Man in a suit holding a red flag

Sometimes, maintaining relationships and making new friends can be difficult. Cause, let’s face it, people suck. But, if you pay attention, often people will give you clues as to who they are. After someone asked on a popular online forum, “What’s something people brag about that signals a red flag?” These were the top-voted responses.

1. I Won That Break-Up

Woman ditching man and breaking up with him
Image Credit: NDAB Creativity via Shutterstock.

“I recently went through a bout doing this myself. Luckily, I was able to stop it before it became an ordeal. However, no one wins when two people in love have to separate,” someone confessed.

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2. I’m Such a Nice Person

Nice woman speaking to an elderly woman
Image Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych via Shutterstock.

“I am such a nice person. If you have to point it out, it’s probably not true,” said one. “There’s a difference between being a nice person and a good person,” a second person replied. “Of course, as usual, if you have to declare it, it’s not a true principle that applies,” a third person suggested.

3. The Solution is so Simple

Painter leaning on a counter with a paintbrush
Image Credit: Jon Rehg via Shutterstock.

“The people who instantly have a solution for everything. Fat? Eat less. Are you addicted? Quit. So you’re depressed? Smile more. Broke? Get a better job. Oh, you’re tired? Sleep more. There is nuance to the issues of society. Major red flag if you’re in your 20s or older and can’t think critically,” one person commented.

4. All of Their Exes Are Crazy

Young woman standing on a couch and singing
Image Credit: PR Image Factory via Shutterstock.

“They’re always so proud about it too! One to two crazy exes? Yeah, ok, it happens to everyone. But five-plus crazy exes? Babes, YOU are the common denominator, and I no longer consider you a reliable narrator,” admitted one.

5. Constantly Tricks or Lies to People

Man appearing to be lying and making a cynical face
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

“There’s a guy in my class who enjoys telling people outlandish stories that are straight-up lies — big ones. Like, I had a stroke. The worst part is these are classes we were expected to be open and vulnerable. So how should people open up with someone who constantly lies?” asked one.

6. I’m Just Brutally Honest

Woman making a rude face
Image Credit: BearFotos via Shutterstock.

“Being brutally honest or having no filter. It usually signals a severe lack of tact. However, as this was me, I was this guy in my early 20s and have since chilled out,” one person confessed. “People who are brutally honest care more about being brutal than being honest,” a second person replied.

7. Ignoring Their Morals To Make a Buck

Man with glasses holding his fingers out
Image Credit: Billion Photos via Shutterstock.

“Bragging about a time they pushed moral boundaries to make a quick buck and how smart they are for what they did. For example: buying out all the generators from six neighboring towns, waiting for the projected hurricane to hit, then upselling them to desperate homeowners to make a profit. That’s just cruel,” suggested one.

8. Proud To Drink and Drive

Man sitting in a car holding his hand on his head ready to take a breathalyzer
Image Credit: nikamo via Shutterstock.

“People who boast about how many drinks they can hold and still drive home without a problem,” one stated. “Especially after playing drinking games! It is terrifying how many DUIs people can rack up and be allowed to continue to drive again, in any circumstances,” a second user agreed.

9. Being the Tough Guy or Girl

Tough guy with big muscles
Image Credit: Prostock-studio via Shutterstock.

“Bragging about how people are scared of them and no one will ever cross them because of how tough they are,” one replied. “Most of the ‘you don’t want to mess with me crowd’ is not as tough as they say,” another stated. “Speak softly and carry a big stick was, after all, coined by one of the toughest men to ever live,” a third user shared.

10. My Hardships Were Harder Than Yours

Young couple sitting on a bench outside with the man seeming to be annoyed
Image Credit: Motortion Films via Shutterstock.

“I have a coworker who is like that. She is generally a one-upper and has had a hard life. But you can’t talk about yourself for more than 30 seconds before she has a story about either how awesome she is or how much more challenging than you she’s had it. It’s exhausting,” a final person commented.

10 Obvious Warning Signs Someone Only Thinks About Themself

Selfish young woman pointing to herself with blue background
Image Credit: Khosro via Shutterstock.

It’s a hard truth that we can only trust some people we meet. Unfortunately, some only really have their own interests at heart. One person asks on a popular online forum, what is a sign that someone is selfish? Here are the top responses shared.

10 Obvious Warning Signs Someone Only Thinks About Themself

15 Lies Society Tells People That They Need To Stop Believing

Woman with glasses and pearls yelling and putting her fingers in her ears
Image Credit: Stokkete via Shutterstock.

Ever heard someone say something and think, “Do you really believe this?” Sometimes there are rules in place that are supposed to support and help you, but you can’t help thinking, “Is it really helping me?”

15 Lies Society Tells People That They Need To Stop Believing

10 Things People Have Done To Create a Better Version of Themself

Young woman looking at a laptop wearing headphones
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

Sometimes it can be hard to know what next step you can take to best further your personal growth. One person asked on a popular online forum if others would share what things they either changed or started to do that helped them become better versions of themselves. Here are some of the best answers.

10 Things People Have Done To Create a Better Version of Themself

10 Things Millenials Love That Women Refuse To Get Into

Young woman giving two thumbs down with a purple background
Image Credit: Mix and Match Studio via Shutterstock.

There are some things that get so popular in society it feels as though everyone is partaking. And, of course, social media spreads awareness so quickly it can feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t like the newest craze, viral product, or TV show.

10 Things Millennials Love That Most Women Refuse To Get Into

10 “Kid Things” That Adults Admit They Still Love

Woman making a funny face with a bright green background
Image Credit: pathdoc via Shutterstock.

When we are young, often all we are focused on is how things will be when we are older, on the freedom and coolness of being an adult. But as adults, we can look back on the years of our childhood with a better appreciation for how much fun kids have.

10 “Kid Things” That Adults Admit They Still Love

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.