Couple looking like they're in a fight

As you go through life dating, you slowly start to get a knack for spotting the red flags and the green flags. Sometimes, we forget to take a moment to be grateful for all the green flags we find in a relationship. In a recent online poll, here are the top signs you are in a healthy relationship.

1. Conversations

Middle aged couple having a serious conversation
Image Credit: goodluz via Shutterstock.

“Having conversations that lead to change and understanding, not arguments based on ego and pain,” someone shared.

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2. Working as a Team

Couple working on their finances together
Image Credit: AndreyPopov via Shutterstock.

“Sharing the hardships without blaming one another for them and working as a team to fix the downs in life while putting pettiness aside,” a user informed.

3. Setting Boundaries

Man comforting anxious woman
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

Someone shared, “I recently heard someone say “the only people who would be upset about you setting boundaries are those that benefit from you having none.”

4. Spending Time Apart

Man traveling solo on a motorcycle
Image Credit: Audio und werbung via Shutterstock.

“I just came back from a motorcycle road trip alone, and my partner is having a few days alone in another destination in one week. We really make an effort to go on vacation alone or with our own friends because one thing we both agree is that we enjoy being together because we have healthy time apart,” a person confessed.

5. Wanting Whats Best

Woman looking at man like she is attracted to him
Image Credit: AlessandroBiascioli via Shutterstock.

“When you are both with the other person because you want to be and you are a team and truly want the best for each other,” a person mentioned.

6. Not Flaunting it on Social Media

Someone scrolling Instagram on their phone
Image Credit: ulyana_andreeva via Shutterstock.

“Not posting about it all over social media. I always thought the sign of a healthy relationship was no sign of it on Facebook,” a person stated.

7. Quiet Time Together

Man playing video games and girlfriend hugging him from behind
Image Credit: Vlad Linev via Shutterstock.

A user shared, “Sometimes I just sit next to my husband while he plays his video games, and I prefer that over any sort of “exciting adventure.”

8. Not Talking About Your Significant Other All the Time

Young women sitting at a table using social media on a phone
Image Credit: Milan Ilic Photographer via Shutterstock.

“When someone doesn’t have to talk about their significant other every single time you talk to them,” someone informed.

9. Communication and Respect

Woman giving man flowers and smiling at him
Image Credit: Evgeny Atamanenko via Shutterstock.

“The main answer is communication and respect, but how that looks to the outside world depends on the people involved,” a person informed.

10. Not in the Mood

Couple snuggling under the covers
Image Credit: Avirut S via Shutterstock.

“Being able to tell your partner you are not in the mood, and that’s the end of it. They accept it and immediately move on,” someone said.

11. Sharing Responsibilities

Couple making and enjoying a cup of coffee at home
Image Credit: New Africa via Shutterstock.

“Getting up at 5 am with two little screaming monsters and spending all day cooking for your kids, entertaining those same kids, housework, arguing with each other, being completely exhausted, getting those same monsters into bed at a reasonable hour,” someone expressed.

12. No Judgements

Couple laying on the ground on pillows talking and laughing
Image Credit: Just Life via Shutterstock.

“When y’all can talk openly about anything without feeling afraid or judged, instead feeling loved and supported,” somebody shared.

13. Not Checking Phones

Couple holding one another's pinkies
Image Credit: DavideAngelini via Shutterstock.

“Not feeling the need to check your spouse’s phone. Trust is so crucial to having a healthy relationship. If there’s no trust, feelings of insecurity and problems are bound to happen,” someone said.

14. Happiness

Happy middle-aged man standing outside
Image Credit: Nadino via Shutterstock.

Someone offered, “When you were both happy by yourselves and not looking for a relationship, but it just kinda happened.”

15. Safety

Couple sitting on the couch talking
Image Credit: Zmaster via Shuttterstock.

“People feel safe to talk about their issues with each other—conversely, a relationship where people don’t feel safe to talk about their issues is not healthy, in my opinion,” someone stated.

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Couple about to kiss
Image Credit: Dragana Gordic via Shutterstock.

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Woman giving herself a hug and looking happy
Image Credit: via Shutterstock.

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Young woman in glasses with her hands to her mouth
Image Credit: Cast of Thousands via Shutterstock.

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14 Unexpected Ways Life Can Change in a Decade

Anxious woman sitting outside
Image Credit: Nadino via Shutterstock.

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Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.