
Personal finance articles to help you learn how to budget, save money and get out of debt. Helping you cut expenses, live below your means, live more frugally and love your life on a budget!

I’m Frugal. Here’s 11 Things I Always Buy During the Holidays

I’m Frugal. Here’s 11 Things I Always Buy During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and, often, overspending. But being frugal means mastering the art of saving while still spreading cheer. Here are 11 things that savvy shoppers always buy during the holidays to keep their wallets happy and their spirits bright! Gift Wrap Alternatives Frugal folks know that traditional gift…

3 Simple Steps To Balancing a Budget (and Why it’s Important)

3 Simple Steps To Balancing a Budget (and Why it’s Important)

Living on a budget is crucial when working towards reaching your financial goals but creating and sticking to a personal budget is only half the battle. The act of balancing a budget at the end of each budget period is an essential part of the budgeting process that many people skip. While balancing your budget…

21 of the Best Games That Pay Real Money in 2024

21 of the Best Games That Pay Real Money in 2024

Want to want to make extra money from your couch on your mobile phone? Playing money-making game apps on your phone is a fun pastime, and now you can make real money from these games. These games that pay real money can be as easy as grabbing your phone and opening the app for 10 to 20 minutes to earn real cash rewards. Sure, video…

13 Unexpected Purchases Minimalists Actually Splurge On

13 Unexpected Purchases Minimalists Actually Splurge On

Minimalists are known for living with less, but that doesn’t mean they don’t spend money at all. In fact, minimalists are likely to spend on things that enhance their quality of life in some way. Here are 13 things minimalists spend money on that might surprise you. Quality Over Quantity Minimalists prefer to buy high-quality…

7 Extra Income Ideas To Earn Quick Cash for Christmas

7 Extra Income Ideas To Earn Quick Cash for Christmas

The holidays can be stressful not just because you have to see your weird Aunt who smells funny but financially stressful as well. If you’ve found yourself unprepared or with a less-than-impressive amount in your holiday sinking fund, never fear…I’ve put together a list of seven extra income ideas (plus a bonus) to earn cash for…

How to Stop Wasting Money: 7 Habits to Spend Less

How to Stop Wasting Money: 7 Habits to Spend Less

If you’d take the time to track your spending for a month, what would you find? Unless you’re super intentional and live very frugally, I’d bet the data would show you’re overspending in some areas of your finances. Let’s talk about how to stop wasting money and spend less. Oftentimes we don’t even realize how…