
Personal finance articles to help you learn how to budget, save money and get out of debt. Helping you cut expenses, live below your means, live more frugally and love your life on a budget!

Making Money Online With PayPal: 20+ Ways to Earn Fast

Making Money Online With PayPal: 20+ Ways to Earn Fast

Unsurprisingly, numerous loyalty programs and companies offer seamless ways to get paid online. In addition, PayPal is also one of the easiest and safest ways to transfer money globally. Here are 20 easy ways to make money online with PayPal. In today’s world, you’ll be surprised to see that many ideas people called crazy years ago…

6 Free Money Grants Most Americans Forget to Claim

6 Free Money Grants Most Americans Forget to Claim

Millions of dollars of free money grants go unused each year in the United States, and you may be able to claim a portion of that for yourself.   The US government offers more than 1,000 grant programs to aid American individuals, organizations, and businesses in various areas.   Many people use the terms “grant” and “loan”…

Would These Popular TV Characters Survive Living in the Real World?

Would These Popular TV Characters Survive Living in the Real World?

When you watch a TV show, chances are you’re not thinking about the type of lifestyle the character is living. The whole point of TV is to get you caught up in your favorite characters’ “reality.” But, have you ever wondered if they would be able to support the lavish lifestyle they live in the…