
Personal finance articles to help you learn how to budget, save money and get out of debt. Helping you cut expenses, live below your means, live more frugally and love your life on a budget!

Would These Popular TV Characters Survive Living in the Real World?

Would These Popular TV Characters Survive Living in the Real World?

When you watch a TV show, chances are you’re not thinking about the type of lifestyle the character is living. The whole point of TV is to get you caught up in your favorite characters’ “reality.” But, have you ever wondered if they would be able to support the lavish lifestyle they live in the…

Make Money Online for Free: 11 Ways To Earn Extra Cash From Home

Make Money Online for Free: 11 Ways To Earn Extra Cash From Home

Have you ever wished you could make extra money working from home? The key is to find a great way to make money online for free. Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of legit ways to make real money online; the only investment needed is your time. You don’t need to have a particular…

Making Money Moves as a Team: 8 Effective Ways To Get Your Partner Involved in Budgeting

Making Money Moves as a Team: 8 Effective Ways To Get Your Partner Involved in Budgeting

Are you ready to start budgeting or beginning your own financial journey, but your spouse or your partner is not on board? It can be difficult to get your partner on the same page, financially…but with some love and patience, it is possible. Let’s dive into seven tips for budgeting as a couple so that…