Young woman with long hair thinking deep in thought

Sometimes, it can be hard to know what next step you can take to further your personal growth. One person asked on a popular online forum if others would share what things they either changed or started to do that helped them become better versions of themselves. Here are some of the best answers.

1. Keeping a Good Sleep Schedule

Woman sleeping peacefully in bright room
Image Credit: Olena Yakobchuk via Shutterstock.

One person says, “Going to bed at a decent time and sticking to a sleep schedule (even on a weekend) helped me. It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes to have a full night’s rest.”

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2. Meal Planning

Woman writing out a meal plan with food on the table
Image Credit: asiandelight via Shutterstock.

One person says, “Meal planning for the week to help save on groceries, stop food waste, and save me making three game-time decisions a day.”

3. Putting Effort in the Right Places

Woman looking jealous of another woman
Image Credit: Phovoir via Shutterstock.

“Putting my effort in where it was given back helped. I stopped putting unnecessary effort into relationships where it was not reciprocated and instead gave that effort to those who also made an effort. It’s gone a long way because I have always been a people pleaser,” shares one user.

4. Cultivating Gratitude

Young woman practicing gratitude
Image Credit: Karen Dole via Shutterstock.

One commenter suggests, “Taking stock of what I have instead of what I don’t. It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race. It’s kind of a gratitude practice but more like taking a beat and really trying to absorb all of the good stuff,”

They add, “Things aren’t easy, but they’re good. Things like that are what put me at ease if I start to get worked up about dumb stuff.”

5. Keeping a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Man in an office sitting at his laptop with his head in his hands
Image Credit: New Africa via Shutterstock.

One user offers, “Establishing work-life balance is vital. Take time to meet friends, even if it’s grocery shopping together or joining each other’s mundane everyday things. Just stay connected with people, remember how much we enjoy each other, and realize you have a place to belong in this world.”

6. Taming Self Criticism

Woman looking in the mirror being critical of herself
Image Credit: linavita via Shutterstock.

One person says, “I stopped speaking critically to myself inside my head and invalidating my own feelings. This made a huge difference in how I felt about myself, which then made a difference in how I felt and interacted with others. I’m now much more confident and at peace with who I am.”

7. Prioritize Self Care

Young woman sitting on her bed using skincare products
Image Credit: JLco Julia Amaral via Shutterstock.

One commenter suggests, “Therapy, new hobbies, and doing some type of self-care thing outside of my home (massage, sound bath, etc.) at least once a month.”

8. Master Procrastination

Business man on the phone giving a thumbs down
Image Credit: Elnur via Shutterstock.

“Just doing the thing, whatever it is, for 15 minutes,” offers one person. They go on, “I’m usually a horrible procrastinator. Recently, I’ve started just doing my work/household tasks as soon as they need doing for 15 minutes, and it’s made a massive difference.

9. Be Honest

Woman sitting on the couch consoling her friend who is upset
Image Credit: Srdjan Randjelovic via Shutterstock.

“Always being honest and saying what needs to be said, and having a partner who lets me do this – it helps me stop holding in things and being resentful,” shares one user.

10. Actively Seek Positive Relationships

Young women sitting at a table using social media on a phone
Image Credit: Milan Ilic Photographer via Shutterstock.

“I started to actively seek out positive relationships with others instead of just becoming friends with whoever was thrown at me,” states one person. They continue, “It’s amazing what happens to your mental health when you find other emotionally mature, like-minded people who encourage you to be your best self.”

15 Things People Seriously Can’t Stand About Society Today

Pretty young woman wearing a hat looking at her phone
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

Have you been around long enough for something to bother you about modern society? You’ve got company. Someone recently asked, “What disgusts you the most about today’s society?” Here are the top-voted responses.

15 Things People Seriously Can’t Stand About Society Today

Stuff People Like Less and Less the Older They Get

Woman in a pink sweater holding her hands in her hair looking frustrated
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot via Shutterstock.

As you age, things start to become annoying. Is there anything that you used to enjoy but the older you get you notice yourself liking it less and less? You’re not alone. Someone recently asked, “What are you starting to like LESS the older you get?” And here are the top-voted answers.

Stuff People Like Less and Less the Older They Get

10 Dumb Jokes People Are SO Sick of Hearing

Woman smacking her head with her hand with a blue background
Image Credit: Kues via Shutterstock.

Nothing is worse than when a joke has run its course, and people continue to beat a dead horse. After someone asked, “What joke is starting to get old now?” The internet responded to deliver this list of jokes that are no longer funny.

10 Dumb Jokes People Are SO Sick of Hearing

10 Valuable Life Lessons People Age 30 and Up Want You to Know

Young woman standing in front of a white background smiling and looking happy
Image Credit: Cast Of Thousands via Shutterstock.

The advice and experience of those ahead of us in age can be truly invaluable. And each decade of a person’s life brings new understandings and advice to share. One person asked on a popular online forum, what valuable lessons have you learned after turning thirty and up?

10 Valuable Life Lessons People Age 30 and Up Want You to Know

10 Little-Known Tips and Tricks To Better Understanding Our Fellow Humans

Young woman sitting in a blue beanbag looking bored
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

Understanding people and navigating the social landscape is a challenge. But there are some cheat codes available for dealing with our fellow humans. One person asked on a popular online forum, what psychological tricks or facts have you learned? Here are some of their answers.

10 Little-Known Tips and Tricks To Better Understanding Our Fellow Humans

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.