Young woman looking at her phone and looking shocked

When someone decides to join the dating pool by making a profile on a dating app, you can find cringe-worthy content in people’s bios. This can disturb some people as most are there to make real connections. A recent online poll asked users, “What are some of the most cringe things you’ve seen in an online dating bio?” Here are  some of the top-voted responses.

1. Background Checks

Person filling out a background check paper
Image Credit: Andrey_Popov via Shutterstock.

“Years ago on Plenty of Fish, this woman wrote in her profile that she wanted men to send her their social security number so that she can run a background check before they chat,” a person divulged.

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Selfish woman putting herself first
Image Credit: Khosro via Shutterstock.

“Let me be your next big mistake. I’m definitely NOT the one, but I promise you’ll still be thinking about me long after!” Oh, you mean I’ll suffer from PTSD after the trauma you put me through? Lovely,” someone explained.

3. Pregnant

Pregnant woman holding her belly
Image Credit: Ground Picture via Shutterstock.

“Yes, I am pregnant; yes, the father is out of the picture,” or something along those lines. Oh boy, sign me up,” somebody said.

4. Nice Guy

Happy middle-aged man standing outside
Image Credit: Nadino via Shutterstock.

One person shared, “Sick of the players and one-night stands. Looking for a nice guy to treat me like a queen.”

5. Dogs

Dog laying in a field
Image Credit: El-ka via Shutterstock.

“In the “I’m weirdly attracted to” prompt on Hinge, she wrote “Dogs.” I dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard,” someone exclaimed.

6. Bait and Switch

Man holding cell bars in jail
Image Credit: Fongbeerredhot via Shutterstock.

“The profile looked good, but the more I talked to her, the worse it got. When I talked to her, I could hear a few kids in the background; she then told me that not only does she have kids, but their baby daddy is in prison, and she can date as long as she dumps me before he gets out,” a user exclaimed.

8. Doctor

Handsome doctor folding his arms
Image Credit: Prostock-studio via Shutterstock.

“Don’t message me if you’re not a doctor.” She was a receptionist at her father’s clinic,” someone revealed.

9. No Response

Woman looking annoyed while she's talking on her phone
Image Credit: HBRH via Shutterstock.

Someone explained, “I’ve been seeing a lot of “I’m probably not going to like you” and “There’s a good chance I won’t respond.” Uh, okay, why are you even on here then?”

10. Hiking

Man hiking in the mountains
Image Credit: Everst via Shutterstock.

“I like hiking,” after a while of bringing up hiking, asking hiking-related questions when I was on dating sites, and getting vague responses, it finally dawned on me that putting anything about hiking is code for I don’t date fat men,” someone said.

11. Marry Me

Couple who just got married
Image Credit: Wedding and lifestyle via Shutterstock.

A person shared, “I plan to get married and start a family within six months. DO NOT SWIPE RIGHT UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT MARRYING ME.”

12. Vague

Pretty young woman wearing a hat looking at her phone
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

“Any profile that wants everything offers nothing and prioritizes multiple things before you, with standards she herself can’t reach or disqualify 80% of men,” a user explained.

“That covers most of the ones I’ve seen. That’s all vague, but it covers soo many things that’s all bad,” another user replied.

13. Confidently Pursue

Woman scrolling a dating app on her phone
Image Credit: Studio Romantic via Shutterstock.

“I want a man who will confidently pursue me.” It sounds like you’ve dated a lot of weak men or let men take advantage of you. Or, worse, you want to be lazy and let him do all the pursuing, showing minimal interest or initiative,” someone exclaimed.

14. Red Flag

Woman wearing a red cape
Image Credit: Trismegist san via Shutterstock.

“Whenever a woman proclaims that “she is a handful” or “she is too much.” I find it super cringe because they are so proud of it, but for men, it’s the biggest red flag in the world,” somebody revealed.

15. The First Message

Young woman smacking her head looking like a dumb blonde
Image Credit: Kues via Shutterstock.

“I don’t send the first message.” On Bumble, where the woman HAS TO send the first message…meaning she’s either a troll and/or a complete idiot,” a user stated.

17 Things Women Wish Men Would Stop Doing Immediately

Young woman with crossed arms looking completely annoyed
Image Credit: Dean Drobot via Shutterstock.

Men often have the best of intentions, but sometimes they do things that drive women up the wall. Things we would assume to be basic knowledge or common decency. We found a thread on a popular online forum where women were discussing specific things they wished men would stop doing. Here’s what they had to say.

17 Things Women Wish Men Would Stop Doing Immediately

15 Things People Would Say to Their Lost Loved One if Given One More Chance

Sad girl looking out window
Image Credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet via Shutterstock.

When you lose a loved one, it is never easy. Sometimes you know it is going to happen, and other times it happens out of the blue. Many people, no matter the circumstance, have something they would love to say to their loved ones if they were still here today. Some regret never saying it in the first place, and others want to say it one last time. We found a list of things people would love to say to their loved ones if they were still here.

15 Things People Would Say to Their Lost Loved One if Given One More Chance

16 of the Best Compliments People Have Ever Received From Women

Beautiful young woman making the okay sign with her hand
Image Credit: Mix and Match Studio via Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love a good compliment? It can boost your mood and confidence, but when someone special compliments you, it can mean the world. According to a recent poll on the internet, here are some of the best compliments people have ever received from women.

16 of the Best Compliments People Have Ever Received From Women

17 Good First Date Ideas That Will Leave a Lasting Impression

Couple sitting outside flirting
Image Credit: Antonio Guillem via Shutterstock.

Going on a first date can be stressful. Not only are you trying to get to know each other, but you’re also going to be spending time together, hopefully doing an activity you will both enjoy. A recent online poll asks users what the most fun or creative date they’ve ever been on?” Here are some of the most popular responses.

17 Good First Date Ideas That Will Leave a Lasting Impression

15 Non-Romantic Things Your Ex Use To Do That You Miss Now

Young woman sitting in bed looking depressed
Image Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych via Shutterstock.

Breakups are hard. After some time has passed, things seemingly get easier, but there still may be small gestures of love and appreciation that your ex used to do for you that you find yourself missing. A recent internet poll asked people to name some non-romantic things an ex used to do that you now miss. Here are some of the most popular answers.

15 Non-Romantic Things Your Ex Used To Do That You Miss Now

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.