Woman laying in bed looking sad

As we go through life, we learn something from each of our personal experiences. Someone can try and tell you, but often these are just things you need to experience yourself for them to sink in. Recently, women discussed some of the life lessons they learned way too late in life on an online platform. Here are some of the top responses.

1. No One Knows

Work meeting with angry looking boss
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

“I have had some bosses who were hopelessly incompetent, and I always wondered how they had been so successful,” someone said.

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2. Morals and Values

Mature multi-racial couple
Image Credit: Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock.

One person said,” The morals and values you were raised with may not be the same morals and values you believe when you’re an adult. It’s okay to believe something different.”

3. Safety

Woman walking on a dark street with a man following behind her
Image Credit: WeAre via Shuttertock.

“Your safety is the no.1 priority. If you feel you’re in danger, just leave. Better alive and rude than polite and dead. I mean this in general for everyone,” someone said.

4. The Time is Now

Woman riding a bike in front of blooming trees
Image Credit: Soloviova Liudmyla via Shutterstock.

“There is no guarantee you will always have time to do things later. Do what you can do now, not later, since that later might not come,” someone said.

5. Don’t Worry

Woman sitting on couch looking stressed and anxious
Image Credit: Alliance Images via Shutterstock.

One woman mentioned, “A switch flipped at 40, where I’ve come into my own, am comfortable in my own skin and style, and don’t give a darn about others’ opinions.”

6. Listen to Your Gut

Woman looking grossed out while looking at her phone
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

“You never have to do something you don’t want to do. Nobody should have more control over you than you do,” another replied.

7. Show Compassion

Woman sitting on the couch consoling her friend who is upset
Image Credit: Srdjan Randjelovic via Shutterstock.

A user said, “You’ll feel liberated when you show compassion instead of judgment; you will be less bothered over little stuff that doesn’t matter.”

8. Actions

Group of volunteers working together
Image Credit: Dragana Gordic via Shutterstock.

A person said, “Believe people’s actions, not their words. Talk is cheap, but it’s much harder to put effort into doing what you say you will and living the values you say you believe in.”

9. Lower Your Expectations

Independent business woman
Image Credit: Sata Production via Shutterstock.

“No one is going to come to save you. Don’t expect anyone to do anything for you. Learn to be self-reliant and independent,” a person said.

10. Let Them Go

Woman ditching man and breaking up with him
Image Credit: NDAB Creativity via Shutterstock.

“If they want to go, let them go. There is no need to put extra effort into making them stay. You’re only running in the same cycle,” someone said.

11. Don’t Take it Personally

Couple sitting on the couch talking
Image Credit: Zmaster via Shuttterstock.

A person said, “Detach from your ego and listen to what others are trying to communicate to be truly empathetic.”

12. Stop Overcompensating

Woman looking annoyed while she's talking on her phone
Image Credit: HBRH via Shutterstock.

“I am not a mind reader, and I will no longer jump to assumptions or overcompensate because I feel like I am failing or not good enough,” a person said.

13. Set Boundaries

Woman looking stressed and upset with man sitting behind her
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

“My emotional and mental health comes first, always. This means learning to appropriately set boundaries and say no,” someone said.

14. Timelines May Not Match

Sad woman sitting alone at dinner
Image Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu via Shutterstock.

“Society’s timeline will not match your own. That’s 100% okay. You are not a failure, loser, or whatever,” a person said.

15. Believe Them

Couple arguing and looking upset
Image Credit: novak.elcic via Shutterstock.

Someone said, “If someone tells you who they are, believe them. “I’m just an a*s; you’ll have to deal with it.” No, thank you.”

13 Strange Things Women Have Encountered on First Dates

Crazy looking lady holding a phone, credit card and wearing curlers
Image Credit: Cast Of Thousands via Shutterstock.

It’s a jungle out there in the dating world. And while it’s always important to be careful about who you get involved with, online dating takes things to another level. In a popular online forum, women answer the question, “What is the most shocking thing you ever found about someone on a 1st date?” Here are some of the top red flags women have encountered on a first date. 13 Strange Things Women Have Encountered on First Dates

Important Unspoken Rules Women Learned Way too Late in Life

Woman with sunglasses who looks wealthy
Image Credit: Jacob Lund via Shutterstock.

As we go through life, we learn something from each of our personal experiences. Someone can try and tell you, but often these are just things you need to experience yourself for them to sink in. Recently, women discussed some of the life lessons they learned way too late in life on an online platform. Here are some of the top responses. Important Unspoken Rules Women Learned Way too Late in Life

15 of the Most Liberating Thoughts Women Have Ever Had

Middle-aged woman looking content sitting on the couch
Image Credit: JP WALLET via Shutterstock.

Sometimes one simple thought can change your entire perspective. Sometimes it just takes one simple thought to bring you peace of mind and liberate you from the voices inside your head.

A woman asked other women in a popular online forum, “What is the most liberating thought you’ve ever had?” Here are some of the most popular answers. 15 of the Most Liberating Thoughts Women Have Ever Had

12 Things Men Are Insecure About That Women Find Attractive

A man sitting on the couch reading a book.
Image Credit: Dean Drobot via Shutterstock.

Women are not the only ones who have insecurities about themselves. Men struggle with insecurities as well. They may be afraid of showing who they are or what they are interested in. While men may not like these things about themselves, women tend to find some of these insecurities very attractive. Here are 13 qualities women find attractive in men. 12 Things Men Are Insecure About That Women Find Attractive

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.