Interviewing for a job is stressful. And it can be nerve-wracking when you have to endure many questions and intense scrutiny. But as disorienting as the interview process can be, it’s crucial that you get a feel for your potential employer as they do for you.
One person took to a popular online forum for some guidance and asked; what is the biggest red flag during an employment interview? Here are some of the top responses.
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1. Group Interviews
“When there are thirty people in the lobby, and someone says, “Some of you will be lucky enough to be chosen,” says one commenter.
A second user adds, “Group interviews are a giant red flag. I remember being recruited for a “sales job” selling textbooks door to door and having to go to whatever state they sent you to in the summer. At first, they had 20 of us meet in a local Mexican restaurant. That job went downhill fast.”
2. When the Interviewers Discourage Discussing Your Pay
“If they say, “It is against our rules for employees to discuss their salaries with each other,” red flag,” says one person
“That is actually illegal! The National Labor Relations Act states that employees have the right to discuss their salaries with coworkers and that employers cannot forbid (verbally or written) this. But, this hasn’t seemed to stop many employers from trying to enforce this policy,” another user added.
3. When They Are Vague About the Pay
“Red flag when an interviewer gives a non-answer when you ask about salary,” says one comment.
A second person cautions, “Almost all ‘good’ employers will be only too happy to provide this information. Any sort of evasion around this is a monumental red flag.”
4. When They Need You To Start Immediately
One user says, “When you hear, “We need you to start as soon as possible…” Red flag! They’re way behind schedule and will immediately ask you to work long nights / extra hours on systems you’re unfamiliar with.”
5. They Won’t Properly Hire You
“Red flag when they explain that you will for some reason not be an employee of the company but an “independent contractor” that uses their facilities and is paid by them,” says one person. “Screams tax evasion,” adds a second user.
6. When There Are Only Good Reviews
“Big red flag when the entire Glassdoor page is all glowing reviews, and when the same positions get periodically reposted,” one commenter states.
7. When the Interviewer Describes the Workplace as a “Dynamic” Environment
One user says, “Anywhere that calls itself a dynamic, fast-paced environment is a red flag. It’s usually a mess, management is top-heavy, and supervisors are spread thin. You’re on your own and have to learn fast.”
Another person comments, “No two days are ever the same. You’ll be pulled in 20 different directions because everything is so disjointed.”
8. When They Are Vague About the Type of Work
“Not having a solid job description is a red flag! The biggest excuse you hear is, “We just created the position,” says one.
9. When They Insist They “Work Hard and Play Harder”
“When you hear, “We work hard and play harder,” that equals we work 16-hour days, and all have alcohol issues,” remarks one commenter.
Another user agrees; they add, “The phrases, “We are family,” and “we work hard and play hard” just mean they will run you ragged and treat you like dog s**t, likely for a low wage or salary. But the company still expects blind loyalty from you because they might throw a pizza party once in a while as thanks.”
10. How Tired the Employees Look
One user adds to the conversation, “One red flag I don’t see mentioned a lot is the eyes of the interviewers. I’m not talking about do they seem shifty or whatever. I mean, do the people you’re talking to seem chill and well-rested? Or are their eyes bloodshot, with dark circles under them, and they seem exhausted?”
The comment continues, “I’ve said no to companies based on this alone. If everyone in a company looks tired, it’s because they are stressed out and/or working extra hours all the time. Big red flag.”
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