Man and woman looking very excited and jumping off the cough

It’s not possible to have too much awesome in your life. Sometimes the negativity gets overwhelming, and you need to turn off the news and consume some ‘feel good’ content instead.

Recently, a Reddit user must’ve been feeling the same way when they asked, “What is awesome, has always been awesome, and will forever be awesome?” And here are the top-voted responses.

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1. How Excited Your Dog Gets When You Return Home

Boy holding service dog's face
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock.

One of my favorite sounds is my dog’s nails tapping across the floor when he hears me take my keys out to open the door. I’ll sit there and jingle my keys for a second or two just to give him time to come over. His favorite sleeping spot is close enough to the door that if I’m lucky, I get to hear him sigh contentedly as he gets up and does a BIIIIG STRETCH before trotting over to the door.”

2. Night Sky Full of Stars

Dark night sky filled with stars
Image Credit: Pixelparticle via Shutterstock.

Someone volunteered, “The night sky filled with stars.” “Yep, that’s one of the better points of working nights in a small rural town. At the end of my shift, I can look up and see a night sky full of stars—also, the moon,” another shared. Finally, a third expressed, “Northern lights are a plus!”

3. Clean Drinking Water

Pouring water into a glass on counter
Image Credit: Cozine via Shutterstock.

“Clean drinking water,” one confessed. “I come from Canada and am spoiled with clean and fresh drinking water. I work with a lot of internationals, and they tell me stories. Dang. I take water for granted.” Another added, “clean bathing water too. “

4. Meetings Getting Canceled

Calendar with dates circled and crossed outt
Image Credit: Tutik_P via Shutterstock.

“Meetings getting canceled. Seriously, it’s the best feeling,” shared one. Another added, “During the pandemic, a canceled Zoom meeting was the equivalent of a snow day when we were kids.”

5. Finding Money in Your Pockets

Man taking money out of his back pocket
Image Credit: Fantastic Studio via Shutterstock.

“I think the finding part is what makes it awesome. Just having Money is not as awesome as finding money.”

6. Realizing You Still Have Time

Woman sleeping peacefully in bright room
Image Credit: Olena Yakobchuk via Shutterstock.

“Realizing you still have time! There are many applications of this, but my favorite is when I spontaneously wake up and check my clock only to realize I have two more hours to sleep,” someone admitted.

7. Good Health

Woman being examined by a doctor
Image Credit: Deeblue via Deposit Photos.

Someone commented, “The healthy man wants a thousand things. The sick man, only one.” Another added, “It’s got to be the most under-appreciated thing in the world, and people don’t know how lucky they are till it’s too late.” Others expressed, “Cries in chronic illness.”

8. Mutual Love

Couple in love
Image Credit: Ivanko80 via Shutterstock.

“Having a relationship where both partners love and care about each other,” one said. “My husband and I are best friends. You hear about these relationships less often because it’s less interesting than all the drama posts about imploded relationships. We don’t need to ask for advice either, and if we did, we’d go to a counselor and not Reddit.”

9. Quitting a Job You Hate

Man walking out of his job with a box filled with his belongings
Image Credit: SeventyFour via Shutterstock.

“Quitting/leaving a toxic job. Walking out those doors after letting my management know was possibly the most uplifting feeling in my life. Pure bliss.”

10. Last Day Before Vacation Walking Out of Work

Woman throwing papers in the air
Image Credit: Tero Vesalainen via Shutterstock.

“Walking out of work that last day before your vacation begins,” one shared. “That feeling of looking forward to something fun for a week or two if it’s on the agenda.” However, Europeans clarified they get four weeks, and Americans only get two. Ha, not all of us. Some of us have never had a paid vacation. 

11. Having a Loved One Tell You They Are Proud of You

Young man and middle aged man talking on the couch
Image Credit: Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock.

“Having someone you love tell you they’re proud of you. I was flying to Jamaica to marry my now wife on my birthday, and my father took me aside and said for the first time that he was proud of me. As a former alcoholic, that meant all the world to me. I chase that high every day and strive to be that man always,” one user confessed.

12. When Something Clicks

Mother helping daughter with schoolwork
Image Credit: BearFotos via Shutterstock.

“That feeling when something you’ve been struggling to understand ticks over in your brain. The sudden, incredible rush when the world becomes just a little bit bigger,” someone stated. Another admitted, “Sometimes I swear I can feel my brain light up when I know I’m finally on the right track with figuring something out. You’re right. It feels incredible!”

13. Clean Sheets

Woman making a bed with white bedding
Image Credit: Opat Suvi via Shutterstock.

Clean sheets,” one replied. Another painted a picture, “YES! Clean sheets, shaved legs, and rubbing them together like a cicada.” A third asked, “Why isn’t this one higher? Euphoria.”

14. Music

Man listening to music on headphones
Image Credit: Fizkes via Shutterstock.

“Music. But not someone else’s music. Headphones are mandatory,” one clarified. A second said, “I second this. Nothing gets me in a better mood than some good tunes.” “Also, learning to play music well enough to make decent music yourself. It takes so long and hard, but you stick with it, and eventually, you can do it. The accomplishment is incredible, AND you’ve got music as a reward.”

15. Finishing a Good Book

Older man sitting on a couch, holding a book to his chest
Image Credit: Red Stock via Shutterstock.

“When you finish reading a fantastic book, and as you close the cover, you get that feeling of immense satisfaction tinged with a tiny bit of sadness that it ended,” someone shared. “Love and hate it at the same time. Also, wishing I could not remember reading it so I can reread it,” another admitted.

7 Habits of Highly Successful People (That Anyone Can Learn!)

Young woman standing in a field with her arm out
Image Credit: – Yuri A via Shutterstock.

Do you feel as though you’re always having a bad day? Are you often wondering why the world is against you? Or why you seem to have the absolute worst luck? Did you know that there are things you can do each day to combat those feelings? Did you know that a “good day” is really just a state of mind? 7 Habits of Highly Successful People (That Anyone Can Learn!)

15 Lies Society Tells People That They Need To Stop Believing

Woman with glasses and pearls yelling and putting her fingers in her ears
Image Credit: Stokkete via Shutterstock.

Ever heard someone say something and think, “Do you really believe this?” Sometimes there are rules in place that are supposed to support and help you, but you can’t help thinking, “Is it really helping me?” 15 Lies Society Tells People That They Need To Stop Believing

10 Things People Have Done To Create a Better Version of Themself

Young woman looking at a laptop wearing headphones
Image Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock.

Sometimes it can be hard to know what next step you can take to best further your personal growth. One person asked on a popular online forum if others would share what things they either changed or started to do that helped them become better versions of themselves. Here are some of the best answers. 10 Things People Have Done To Create a Better Version of Themself

10 “Kid Things” That Adults Admit They Still Love

Woman making a funny face with a bright green background
Image Credit: pathdoc via Shutterstock.

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10 Jokes That Are Starting To Get Real Old

Young woman holding her arms out with a funny look on her face
Image Credit: Kues via Shutterstock.

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Inspired by this thread – photos are for illustrative purposes only.

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