Actor Hugh Jackman

Everyone wants love. Whether it is the love of a family member, a person they meet as they go through life, or even a fictional character. Here are some top-rated responses for who people would want to be in love with.

1. Current Man

Couple kissing while laying in bed
Image Credit: tool2530 via Shutterstock.

“The man I’m seeing now. After having my heart broken by my ex, and then waiting a year and a half to really get back into dating, I met my current boyfriend. We’ve been dating about six months,” someone shared.

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2. Sam Heughan

Actor Sam Heughan
Image Credit: DFree via Shutterstock.

Somebody shared, “Oh man, he really is something. I’m lucky enough to live in Scotland and have seen a fair few men in kilts; it really is a great sight!”

3. Pedro Pascal

Actor Pedro Pascal
Image Credit: DFree via Shutterstock.

“He seems to spend most of his time trying to lift the people he cares about; he’s goofy, smart, I could go on. The fact that he’s gorgeous is just a bonus,” someone stated.

4. Someone Rich

Wealthy man enjoying a cup of coffee outside
Image Credit: FXQuadro via Shutterstock.

“Someone rich, dumb, and harmless who thinks they could get me to notice them if they keep sending me large sums of money,” someone shared.

5. Jeff Bezos

Billionaire Jeff Bezos
Image Credit: lev radin via Shutterstock.

“Definitely Jeff Bezos. I would convince him the only way to win my love in return would be to donate all his money,” a user said.

6. Keanu Reeves

Actor Keanu Reeves
Image Credit: Kathy Hutchins via Shutterstock.

“Down to earth, humble, probably could have deep and honest conversations. I’d take the subway with him any day,” someone said.

7. Someone Who Respects

Couple on a date having a picnic with wine
Image Credit: Oleggg via Shutterstock.

“Someone who gives me the respect, affection, and witty banter that I deserve. Someone who wants to grow in their career, their interests, and our life together,” a person stated.

8. Love at First Sight

Retired couple loving life on the beach
Image Credit: Darren Baker via Shutterstock.

“7 years ago, I met the one person who made me believe in love at first sight. The more I found out about him, the more I fell. I got to know him pretty well. It’s not that he hit every check mark, but who he was—never met another person like him,” a person revealed.

9. Calm

Couple practicing mindfullness together
Image Credit: Antonio Guillem via Shutterstock.

“No particular person but someone who makes me feel calm and content going home after work. Never again, someone who makes me dread going home. Just want to feel safe,” someone shared.

10. Made for Me

Couple sitting on the couch and laughing
Image Credit: Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock.

“This may sound odd, but I have two. Myself or the man I believe that’s made for me. I want that man flipping out that he gets to have me in his life,” a person proposed.

11. Dwayne Johnson

Actor Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson
Image Credit: Kathy Hutchins via Shutterstock.

Someone said, “I’m going with Dwayne Johnson. He’s hot, rich, funny, buff, and seems like a genuinely good-hearted person. And that smile!”

12. Bartender

Bartender pouring glasses of wine
Image Credit: wavebreakmedia via Shutterstock.

“I met him at a bar one night. On my birthday, I decided to treat myself. I’m sitting, talking to the bartender, and actually reading a paper. He sits next to me and orders. He has the most beautiful accent. I turn and ask him where he is from. Sweden. We hit it off,” someone revealed.

13. Hugh Jackman

Actor Hugh Jackman
Image Credit: lucacavallari via Shutterstock.

“The false public persona of Hugh Jackman. But if the private persona is nice enough, then perhaps I like the true private persona of Hugh Jackman,” a person shared.

14. Handy Man

Man installing a shower head
Image Credit: New Africa via Shutterstock.

“I want a guy who has a really traditional job like building houses (pays well enough and is a handy job that comes with useful skills) who can leave work at three every Friday so we can spend weekends together exploring different cities and places,” a person said.

15. Myself

Happy, content woman with her face in her hands
Image Credit: Ground Picture via Shutterstock.

“I have never been able to feel love fur my body, mind, or soul. Every relationship I have been in makes me feel even less lave able to even myself, and now that I have had a child, I hate my body even more,” a user revealed.

13 Strange Things Women Have Encountered on First Dates

Closeup of young woman looking shocked
Image Credit: via Shutterstock.

It’s a jungle out there in the dating world. And while it’s always important to be careful about who you get involved with, online dating takes things to another level. In a popular online forum, women answer the question, “What is the most shocking thing you ever found about someone on a 1st date?”

Here are some of the top red flags women have encountered on a first date. 13 Strange Things Women Have Encountered on First Dates

15 Things People Would Say to Their Lost Loved One if Given One More Chance

Sad girl looking out window
Image Credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet via Shutterstock.

When you lose a loved one, it is never easy. Sometimes you know it is going to happen, and other times it happens out of the blue. Many people, no matter the circumstance, have something they would love to say to their loved ones if they were still here today. Some regret never saying it in the first place, and others want to say it one last time. We found a list of things people would love to say to their loved ones if they were still here. 15 Things People Would Say to Their Lost Loved One if Given One More Chance

15 Non-Romantic Things Your Ex Use To Do That You Miss Now

Sad woman sitting alone at dinner
Image Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu via Shutterstock.

Breakups are hard. After some time has passed, things seemingly get easier, but there still may be small gestures of love and appreciation that your ex used to do for you that you find yourself missing. A recent internet poll asked people to name some non-romantic things an ex used to do that you now miss. Here are some of the most popular answers. 15 Non-Romantic Things Your Ex Used To Do That You Miss Now

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.