Woman making a disgusted look on her face

A woman posted in a popular online forum asking other women navigating the dating scene to share some things that reveal a person or their significant other, is insecure. Here are some of the top responses.

1. Being Conceited

Conceited man in sunglasses
Image Credit: Cressida Studio via Shutterstock.

One woman contributed, “They’re conceited and talk too highly of themselves. It’s always a front.”

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Another woman agreed, “Yes, this. Guy I dated had a superiority complex, would slyly put others (and me) down, and was rather judgemental.”

2. Self-Deprecating

Man sitting on couch making a weird face
Image Credit: Sommthink via Shutterstock.

“Consistent self-deprecation. A few offhand jokes are funny, but putting themselves down constantly is a drag,” one woman chimed in.

3. Lack of Drive

Lazy man laying on the couch looking slovenly
Image Credit: Txking via Shutterstock.

One of the most upvoted comments stated, “No drive. Someone who never offers an idea like where or what to eat, what to do, always wants you to make decisions. I don’t mind making decisions, but it’s such a turnoff when I have to make ALL decisions. It’s not hard to sit there and vocalize that you feel like a cheeseburger for dinner.”

4. Jealousy

Couple looking at cell phone with man looking jealous or angry
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com via Shutterstock.

A few Redditors mentioned that jealousy and possessiveness indicated insecurity to them.

One woman left a comment saying, “Clingyness/possessiveness. Someone who freaks out if you can’t message all day every day. Or gets defensive when they learn you interact with other people like close friends.”

Another stated, “Not single, but when I was, I always looked out for possessiveness and jealousy, as well as the need to upstage others, or be the star of the room. Screams insecurity to me and problems down the line.”

Being too Possessive

Couple sitting on beach and jealous man looking at what his woman is doing on her phone
Image Credit: Antonio Guillem via Shutterstock.

This woman agreed, “Being possessive, jealous or clingy, particularly early on. People have lives, friends, families and are allowed to want to spend time by themselves too. See also: people who think they can police which genders their partner can be friends with. There’s a perfectly good door over there. Don’t let it hit your ass on the way out.

5. Over-Apologizing

Man on his knees apologizing to woman
Image Credit: StockLite via Shutterstock.

Many Redittors agreed that constant apologizing screams insecurity. One woman shared, “Constantly apologizing, especially about things that don’t even make sense to do so.”

Another user chimed in, “Lacks confidence, self-deprecation, asks “really?” / “are you sure?” often, apologizes too much.”

6. Being Defensive

Man sitting and trying not to look at people behind him
Image Credit: Fizkes via Shutterstock.

One poster explained, “Also, being defensive. When you can’t handle any form of criticism, even something gentle and constructive…big red flag.”

This woman agreed, “Perhaps being too apologetic and too sensitive and defensive and just they admit it right away they are not good enough or they think too highly of themselves.”

7. Giving Back-Handed Compliments

Couple in kitchen seemingly arguing
Image Credit: Fizkes via Shutterstock.

“Oh, the backhanded compliments, the need to be correct or know more, the superiority complex, the jokey put-downs. Screams of extreme insecurity. Exhausting.”

Woman and man seeming to be upset with one another
Image Credit: Alex_Maryna via Shutterstock.

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Boomer man leaping in the air wearing headphones
Image Credit: AlessandroBiascioli via Shutterstock.

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Man trying to kiss woman and she looks grossed out
Image Credit: Prostock-studio via Shutterstock.

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Happy middle-aged man standing outside
Image Credit: Nadino via Shutterstock.

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Women Reveal 7 Things Men Do That Make Them Seem Insecure

Young woman looking annoyed and disgusted
Image Credit: Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley via Shutterstock.

A woman posted in a popular online forum asking other women navigating the dating scene to share some things that reveal a person or their significant other, is insecure. Here are some of the top responses. Women Reveal 7 Things Men Do That Make Them Seem Insecure

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.