We’ve all seen a friend or family member suffer a broken heart – or sometimes worse – in a relationship. But wouldn’t it be nice if we were able to recognize red flags sooner and save ourselves and our loved ones from the pain? The good news is that some red flags are easy to spot, which makes it easier for us to protect ourselves from them. Here are 10 of the most common red flags that women should know about.
1. Always Shifting Blame
If you find that when something happens to your partner that they are always shifting the blame to someone else, or something else, or the situation, that is a big red flag. Whether you have started to experience it already or not, eventually everything will be your fault. Also, if their stories, complaints, rants, or explanations sound too one-sided (again, unable to take the blame themselves), they lack empathy which is another big red flag.
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2. Not Respecting the Word ‘No’ in Benign Situations
If your partner does not respect the word no when it’s inconsequential, it is a hint that they probably won’t respect it when it is most important. This can indicate a disregard for boundaries, consent, and the decision-making abilities of others. This type of behavior tends to be deep-rooted and is generally hard to correct, so if you see it repeatedly, you’re likely better off to cut your losses and run.
3. If He’s Possessive and Selfish Before You’re Dating, it Won’t Change
This one is extremely obvious, yet dozens of women still make the same mistake: If he’s rude, selfish, and possessive before you’re dating, he will NOT change once you start dating. No one knows why so many women think that a man will have an epiphany and become a different (better) person once they get into a relationship. People rarely change.
4. Doing the Bare Minimum in the Beginning
When you first start seeing a guy and he does the absolute bare minimum of what you expect in a long-term relationship, you can almost be guaranteed that in a few years, that guy will be well below your standards. Some people say that as time goes on, you can expect about half of what you saw in the first year. If you value the emotional component of your relationship more than your partner, you will always be saddled with the emotional work in the relationship.
5. Blaming Their Childhood
Some guys shift the blame to their childhood when they are questioned about why they’re treating you poorly. They will tell you about how their parents treated them poorly as a child, or how they never learned basic human respect. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and there is no excuse for poor behavior, no matter how someone may have been treated as a child.
6. Watch Out for the “Nice Guy”
You’ll be able to tell if a guy is nice by his behavior. So if a guy tells you he’s nice, ignore it and consider it meaningless; he’s not nice until his actions show you he is. Remember that people judge themselves based on their intentions, but others judge them based on their actions. So when you look at the ‘nice guy,’ in his mind, his intentions are benign, and all he wants to do is be devoted to someone, but in the real world, his actions can show that he’s actually shallow and spiteful.
7. Any Aversion To Taking Responsibility
If you see any sign that the man you’re with has an issue with taking responsibility for things, RUN in the other direction. The older you get, the more you’ll realize that the men with the most respect aren’t the ones with outstanding achievements to their names but rather the ones who aren’t afraid to own their mistakes. Men who can’t take responsibility for their actions and admit when they were wrong become huge liabilities, and they’re rarely worth the headache.
8. When They Repeatedly Declare They Aren’t Something or Way, They Are
When someone declares multiple times they are not a certain way without prompt, it’s generally safe to assume that they are that way. For example, if a guy says “I’m not a player,” he probably is, and you’re probably not the only woman he’s currently involved with. The reverse can also be true; when a guy claims without being prompted that they are a certain way, they probably aren’t that way.
9. Don’t Trust a Man Who Jokes but Can’t Take One
A man who likes to dish out jokes about others but can’t take a joke made at his expense is a man who shouldn’t be trusted. No woman needs to gain permission to critique a man, but a man also shouldn’t need to drag a woman down just to acknowledge a personality flaw. A man who can’t take a joke is a recipe for disaster – you’re better off avoiding a man like that altogether.
10. The ‘Change Him’ Voice
If you hear a little voice inside you that says, ‘I can change this man’, then he is not the man for you. You shouldn’t date someone under the assumption that they’ll change something fundamental about themselves; it is not fair to either of you. It’s one thing if you are trying to change the way a guy dresses, or how he does his hair. There are certain things you can change, but fundamental personality traits are something you can’t. If he’s not good on the inside, walk away.
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