Let me guess…you’ve probably stumbled across this article while searching the web to see if this Master Your Money Super Bundle 2021 you’ve been hearing about is actually a legit financial resource or if it’s just another online scam, right?!
If you’re wondering how I know that, it’s because the first time I heard about these bundles and their crazy discounts, I headed straight to Google to find an answer to the very same question.
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In fact, that’s why I decided to write this article…so I’m glad you’re here.
Too Good to be True
I originally heard of Ultimate Bundles (the company that sells the Master Your Money Super Bundle each year) shortly after I started this site.
They sell bundles on many different topics, not just money, and at the time their wildly popular blogging bundle, Genius Blogger’s Toolkit, was on sale.
Being new-ish to blogging, it caught my eye, but I thought it sounded way too good to be true.
While I don’t remember the specifics it was something to the tune of thousands of dollars of digital resources covering basically every facet of running and growing an online business you could think of being sold for only $97 – a discount upwards of 90%…uhh, what now??
Listen, I’m a sucker for a deal, so I was dying to purchase this bundle, but it’s been my experience that when something sounds too good to be true…it usually is.
And since I was only making pennies from my new business at the time, I decided to do some research on the blogging bundle and the company, Ultimate Bundles, in general (as I’d never heard of them before either).
I was pleasantly surprised to discover they were a very reputable company with a rock-solid return policy.
I don’t know about you, but I’ll always feel more comfortable giving someone my money when I know I have the opportunity to get it back – no questions asked – if I’m not happy with my purchase.
Once I determined Ultimate Bundles wasn’t going to rip me off, I excitedly purchased the bundle and found it to be as valuable as promised.
It was a huge help to me in those early stages of growing my business, and I’ve been a huge fan of their bundles ever since!
Master Your Money Super Bundle
That being said, you aren’t here to learn about the blogging bundle, so now that you know the Master Your Money Super Bundle isn’t a scam, let’s chat about the deets…
I want to review the price, the products, and the overall value – plus, whether or not the bundle is a good buy for you, specifically, because I don’t think that’s the case for everyone.
What Does it Cost?
The bundle prices (for any topic) often fluctuate from year to year depending on the products included, the retail value of the combined products, and the value of the incredible bonuses.
And if you didn’t already know, yep, there are bonuses – and yep, they’re usually pretty awesome…more about them in a minute.
This year’s Master Your Money Super Bundle 2021 (MYMSB2021) is priced at $67 with the option to purchase the Cheat Sheets for an additional $10.
Cheat sheets include an overview of each product included in the bundle and can save you a lot of time determining which products you want to dig into and which products may not be of much interest to you at this particular time.
Think of them as cliff notes or asking your friend for their notes they took in the class you missed.
What Products Are Included in the Bundle?
This year there are a total of 51 digital resources included in the MYMSB2021 with the retail value of all the resources combined totaling $3,051.81.
Here’s the breakdown of those 51 digital resources:
- 9 eBooks
- 27 eCourses
- 15 printables + workbooks
I know, that sounds kind of crazy (and a bit overwhelming) doesn’t it?
It does to me too, but here’s the thing…the bundles are designed to cover a wide variety of sub-topics within the broader bundle topic, money, in this case.
Be sure to keep reading because I’ll share my tips + tricks for navigating the bundle and making sure you’rre getting the most bang forr your buck without getting overwhelmed.
Here’s How the Products/Topics Break Down:
- Debt Management – 6 resources
- Family Finances – 8 resources
- Increasing Income – 7 resources
- Saving – 10 resources
- Investing – 4 resources,
- Money Mindset – 7 resources
- Tracking + Organization – 9 resources
Whew, that’s a LOT.
Here’s the thing…depending on where you’re at with your own finances, a fair amount of these resources may not be that useful to you right now.
But, as time goes on and your financial situation changes, you’ll be able to utilize different resources during different parts of your financial journey!
I don’t know the details of your finances, of course, but this will be my third year sharing the Master Your Money Super Bundle with my audience, so I feel confident saying there is something (or many things) for everyone in this bundle!
About Those Bonuses…
One of the best parts is that for each bundle, Ultimate Bundles partners with a bunch of companies to offer some pretty incredible bonuses that will enhance your overall bundle experience – and this year is no different.
Check out all the bonuses you’ll receive when you purchase the MYMSB from the partners below, totaling more than $450.00 of freebies like journals, money memberships, and more!
Plus, purchase the MYMSB2021 before midnight on Tuesday, August 24th at 11:59 pm EST and receive a physical copy of A Guide Money Journal from Her Money Journey.
Her Money Journey is a personal finance blog committed to helping women of color navigate their money journey and create a comfortable space to learn and grow.
(This bonus will be shipped to your address, just pay shipping)
Is the Master Your Money Super Bundle Worth the Money?
The short answer?
Maybe. Okay, not really helpful, I know.
But hang with me here…in theory, yes, I absolutely think this collection of digital financial resources would be of value to every single person from high school up, and here’s why…whether we like it or not, money touches every part of our lives.
We need to earn it, we need it to pay our bills, we need it to eat, we need it to retire…you get the picture.
I’m so passionate about helping women take back control of their finances that I’ve built my entire business around that mission.
I believe the best way we can do that is by educating ourselves and becoming financially literate and while I can’t speak for other countries, here in America, most schools aren’t teaching kids about money.
Heck, when I graduated college I had well over $20,000 of student loans and NO FREAKING CLUE how to even balance my checkbook?!?!
I’m working hard to make sure my kids learn about money in our home, but until a few years ago my own financial knowledge was quite limited.
So, yes, the MYMSB is one of the best resources I’ve found that offers such an incredible amount of educational financial information about a wide variety of money topics and I highly recommend it to most people.
The Actual Value of the MYMSB2021
Value is a funny thing…
It’s relative to the potential buyer and their specific priorities.
For example, if you want to sell your home you’ll need to get an appraisal done.
Let’s say the appraisal comes in at $450,000, so you list your home at $450,000, but it just sits (let’s be honest, nothing’s sitting in this market, but I’m trying to make a point here lol) on the market month after month.
You get lots of interest and have many showings, but the feedback all says you’re overpriced.
Still, you stay firm on your listing price because the appraiser told you it was worth $450,000.
So…what’s the deal? Well, your appraiser sucks.
Joking, joking…yes, the specs of your home and the market may have supported an appraisal of $450,000 but if no one is willing to pay that price for the home is it really worth that much?
What I’m trying to say is beauty is in the eye of the beholder value is in the eye of the consumer.
According to Ultimate Bundles, if you add up the actual sales prices of all 51 products in the 2021 Master Your Money Super Bundle they total $3,051.81, so yes, technically the retail value is $3,052.81.
But I’m going to go out on a limb here and say if you spend $67 to purchase the bundle and never open one eBook, work your way through one eCourse or print out even one workbook then the bundle is of no value to you and you’d be wasting your money.
To Purchase or Not to Purchase?
For many people, a $67 priced product can still be considered an “impulse buy” meaning they don’t really give it a second thought and are okay spending that amount of money on a whim.
If that’s you and you think the bundle sounds great and all this back and forth feels a bit dramatic to you, I suggest you purchase ASAP so you’re sure to get the early bird bonus that’s being offered on August 23rd + 24th only – you can purchase the bundle here.
But, if you’re like me, and a $67 purchase makes you take a beat before clicking that buy button here’s a few things to consider:
- First, ask yourself honestly if you will actually use the bundle and take action on the things you learn? Yes? Awesome, probably a good buy for you. No? Save your money, purchasing the MYMSB2021 would probably be the equivalent of flushing it down the toilet.
- Next, take a few minutes to look through the product list – this will give you a brief synopsis of each item along with its retail value. Jot down all the products you intend to use and mark the retail value next to the name.
- Total up the retail value of each item you listed – if your total is less than $67 don’t buy the bundle. Instead, purchase those products individually to save money. If your total is more than $67 buy the bundle and save money.
This is the same process I use each time I want to purchase any of the bundles, and I haven’t regretted any of my purchases yet.
I already told you I love this bundle, and I meant it…I’m super picky about the products and services I will share with my audience, but partnering with Ultimate Bundles has been a great experience.
In fact, I received such great feedback on this bundle from my readers the past two years that this year I decided to submit my Begin to Budget Bundle (my printable budget binder) to be part of the 2021 Master Your Money Super Bundle **shameless plug**.
The Begin to Budget Bundle is my best-selling digital product, and I’m pumped to be getting it into the hands of more women because I know the impact it can have.
New to budgeting? My 5-day Begin to Budget Mini-Course will walk you through the entire process…and it’s free. GET STARTED NOW.
Knowledge is Not Power
If you haven’t heard my “debt story”, please allow me to summarize…
Just a few short years ago, we were broke – we had over $50,000 in debt, bills we could barely pay each month, and a marriage that was hanging on by a thread.
We took a course – not unlike many of the courses in this bundle – and I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed our lives.
We learned so much and were inspired to take immediate action.
So, yes, you’ll find some potentially life-changing products in this bundle and gain some serious money knowledge.
But knowledge is not power.
Knowledge is great.
Knowledge is a gift.
But knowledge, itself, is not power until it’s applied.
To create massive change in your life and your finances you have to take action. Simply learning the information is not going to help you save money, stick to your budget or improve your money mindset.
You must take action.
Grab the Master Your Money Super Bundle before it disappears until next year…
>> Click the button below to purchase your copy <<
If I’m Already Having Money Problems, Why Would I Spend Money on This?
I want to address this question because it’s one I had myself when we were ready to make some changes with our finances.
I had found a money class at a local church, but it cost around $125, and I desperately wanted to sign up, but we did not have that much money in our account.
I knew we needed to do something, but it seemed crazy to spend the money when we were already broke?!?
But then I realized, broke or not, we would definitely spend at least $125 in the month ahead on who-knows-what…
Have you ever tried adding up all the little odds and ends you spend money on throughout the month?
What do you think it would add up to?
I’m certainly not here to tell you how to spend your money, but I can tell you that when you spend money on something (versus getting something for free) you have “skin in the game.”
Oftentimes an actual monetary investment – even a small one – can serve to keep you more accountable and taking consistent action!
How to Work Through the Bundle Without Getting Overwhelmed
When you purchase the Master Your Money Super Bundle you’ll then be directed to a page that lists every digital product for you to gain access, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
I believe it’s important to keep things as simple as possible because overwhelm leads to confusion, and eventually confusion will lead to failure (or quitting), and I don’t want to see you spend money on this bundle and not follow through.
If you purchase the Cheat Sheets, you’ll want to start with the Cheat Sheets of the category that is most applicable to your current financial situation.
For example, if you’re wanting to pay off debt, start with the Cheat Sheets for the Debt Management category.
Look through each Cheat Sheet and determine which resources seem interesting to you.
I like to make a list of all the resources I want to have a look at.
Next – and this is very important – set aside a short block of time to download/access all of the products you put on your list (even if you’re not ready to go through them at the present time).
Grab your list and login to your bundle on the Ultimate Bundles website where you’ll be directed to the Master Your Money Super Bundle and a list of all 51 digital products included in the bundle.
Each product will have a link to access it or download it directly to your device.
Go ahead and download each eBook, workbook, and printable from your list and access each eCourse (you may have to set up a username/password to the site where the eCourse is hosted).
It’s a good idea to keep a record of any credentials you set up so you can find them easily.
This step is crucial because the MYMSB is only available to you for six months after you purchase it, and you don’t want to miss out on any of the products you paid for.
Trust me, I have forgotten to do this in the past and was upset a year later when I wanted to look at a product and realized I’d never downloaded it.
Taking a bit of time to go through the bundle in this manner will ensure you don’t feel rushed to get through all of the products in that six-month time period.
As for the order you actually read, complete, study, etc. each individual product, that is completely up to you.
If something really jumps out at you and feels like the obvious place to begin, start there.
Remember, just because you decide to purchase the bundle, doesn’t mean you need to feel pressured to go through every single product beginning to end…ain’t nobody got time for that.
Be sure to first focus on the products that align with your current (or near-future financial goals) and don’t overwhelm yourself by letting shiny object syndrome get in your way.
Let me explain…if you and your spouse have a 3-year-plan you’ve been working through to pay off all your debt then save $10,000 for a down-payment on a home.
Don’t ditch your plan because you got stars in your eyes when you saw the real estate investing course in the bundle.
Instead, go ahead and add the real estate investing course to your list (and make sure you set up your login credentials because you only have six months to do so).
When you’re in a place, financially speaking, to begin learning about real estate investing, then take the time and go through the course.
This method of working through the bundle will allow you to take adequate time to fully absorb and take action on all the knowledge you gain from these incredible products.
Grab the Master Your Money Super Bundle before it disappears until next year…
>> Click the button below to purchase your copy <<
Reminder, if you see the value in this bundle, act now and grab your copy because the sale ends Friday, August 27, 2021, at 11:59 pm EST, and I don’t want you to miss out…when the new edition comes out in 2022, it will include all new products.
Looking for a course to help with your money but not interested in a full bundle?
Here are some of my favorite recommendations:
» Makeover Her Money – My signature money course that will take you every step of the way from being a financial mess to being the boss of your money…check it out here.
» How to Build Wealth by Investing in Index Funds – Hands down one of my favorite courses, mostly because it has the potential to make me a millionaire one day…read my honest Personal Finance Club review of the course here.