
Personal finance articles to help you learn how to budget, save money and get out of debt. Helping you cut expenses, live below your means, live more frugally and love your life on a budget!

What Are Sinking Funds? Everything You Need to Know…

What Are Sinking Funds? Everything You Need to Know…

If you’re new-ish to the world of budgeting, you might have heard this strange term sinking fund before and wondered what it means.  Nope, it’s not a new type of investment; instead, it’s an incredibly helpful budgeting tool you should definitely be using!   Technically (according to Google dictionary, anyway), a sinking fund is a…

How Monthly Meal Planning Will Save You Time and Money

How Monthly Meal Planning Will Save You Time and Money

I don’t know about you but I hate grocery shopping. It’s the bane of my existence…(ok, that was dramatic), and meal planning? Ugh, it’s the worst…so I bet you’re thinking that monthly meal planning must be plain torture?  Hear me out.  After food shopping every single week and buying virtually the same foods (yawn) for…