13 Perfect Examples of Toxic Femininity That Give Women a Bad Name

13 Perfect Examples of Toxic Femininity That Give Women a Bad Name

Feminism is at an all-time high these days, but just like ‘toxic positivity’ has become a thing as of late, can femininity do the same? As it turns out, too much of a good thing can be toxic. Here are some of the top examples of toxic feminity in today’s society. 1. Having To Choose…

12 Boomer Trends That Are Becoming Obsolete

12 Boomer Trends That Are Becoming Obsolete

The difference between the habits from one generation to another is astounding. And as weird as newer things seem to the older generations, the newer generations can’t even fathom what the world was like for their grandparents growing up. Sadly, many of the things Boomers experienced are slipping away. Here are 13 things Boomers experienced…