Have you ever been watching a film that wasn’t a comedy and then burst into laughter at one of the most hilarious or inappropriate scenes ever? You’ve got company. After someone asked, “What’s the funniest scene ever in a movie that wasn’t a comedy?” These were the top-voted responses.
1. Titanic (1997)
“In Titanic, the passenger falls off the stern and smacks into the propeller on the way down. The sound effect was hilarious,” someone stated. Another confessed, “I had gone with my mom and sister to see it in the theater. I laughed during that scene, causing them and several other moviegoers to turn around and shoot me looks. When we were leaving, my mom asked what the hell was wrong with me.”
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2. Meet Joe Black (1998)
“The scene in Meet Joe Black where Brad Pitt’s character gets hit by a car twice in a row,” another shared. “It is so absurd and feels like a fever dream.” “I’m not sure I’ve ever laughed that hard before. I watched that scene over and over. Just how he bounces back and forth is just so over-the-top comical,” replied another.
3. Django Unchained (2012)
“It has comedy elements, but not a comedy, so it counts in the scene in Django Unchained where the clan can’t see through their hoods. I was dying,” one admitted. “Yea, I legit laughed out loud for this one. Came out of nowhere,” a second agreed. Finally, a third confessed, “This scene made me laugh so hard I thought I would pass out in the theatre.”
4. Pulp Fiction (1994)
“In Pulp Fiction, where Vincent accidentally shoots Marvin in the face,” replied one. “I think that was supposed to be funny, though.” “Whether it was intentional or not didn’t matter to the question,” another clarified.
5. The Wicker Man (2006)
“In The Wicker Man, when Nicolas Cage is in a bear suit, and he beats up an older lady,” one laughed. “When Nick is in the basket yelling ‘my eyes, my eyes!’ And then, “Ow, my legs, my legs!’ It’s just too funny. You know they dubbed all of that in after. You are right. It was such a bad movie, and it was awesome.”
6. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
“Edge of Tomorrow when Tom Cruise gets run over by the truck. Hilarious,” replied one. “That high-pitched girly scream he does. It gets me every time,” a second added.
7. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
“The Silence of the Lambs. The part where it puts the lotion on the skin, or else she gets the hose again. I couldn’t stop laughing; that and the nipple dance. Laughed uncontrollably,” stated one.
8. Twilight (2008)
“In Twilight, the man vampire picks up the main girl and runs incredibly fast. My mom loves that movie, and every time I see it, I can’t help but die of laughter,” someone shared. For those not in the know, that’s Edward picking up Bella and running. Another confessed, “I lose it every time for one of the sequels (Breaking Dawn: Part 2) when Dakota Fanning just tosses a baby into a fire with a smile.”
9. Starship Troopers (1997)
“In Starship Troopers, during basic training, one of the cadets gets shot in the head, and Rico screams medic like there is some chance he could survive with urgent medical attention. Unfortunately, the guy’s brain is missing. He’s not going to make it,” someone explained.
10. Insidious (2010)
“I forget which horror flick it was, but it had a child ghost dancing to tip toe thru the tulips,” and I just died laughing at that scene. The mother was so scared, but it was just a little boy dancing his heart out,” shared one. Another informed, “Insidious.”
This article was inspired by this thread and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Cents + Purpose.