It’s normal to get so caught up in life that you forget to take care of yourself. Amidst taking care of the people around you, it’s important to prioritize your own physical and mental health. But constant trips to the salon and spa can quickly bust your budget.
Affordable Self-Care Tips
Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to require a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to pamper yourself without spending any money at all.
Self-care can be a pause in the middle of a busy day, a few moments before work, or maybe for you it looks like taking a full day for yourself. Whatever time you can make for yourself, here are 17 ways to practice self-care without spending much money.
1. Read a Good Book
A good book can completely make you forget your worries and transport you to another world! Curl up on the couch for some quiet reading, or pop in your headphones and listen to an audiobook while you go for a walk or stretch your body.
2. Treat Yourself Daily
Coffee lovers are hard-pressed to think of something more enjoyable than taking a few minutes to enjoy the perfect cup of joe.
Swing by your favorite coffee shop or stock your cabinet with all the essentials you need to make your favorite brew at home for a fraction of the cost!
3. Take a Nap
File this under “things we never appreciated as kids.” Carve out an hour to lay down and take a good nap – guilt-free. Don’t have an hour? No worries, sometimes a quick cat nap can be even more refreshing!
4. Move Your Body
You don’t have to spend an hour in the gym to experience the benefits of exercise. Force yourself to take a break and move your body. Go for a quick walk on your lunch break, do a short yoga workout on YouTube, or put on your favorite playlist and stretch for 15 minutes.
5. Disconnect
Our attention is constantly being pulled by our electronics. Social media, work emails, and constant beeps, rings, and notifications can make it feel impossible to have a moment of peace.
Try disconnecting from the digital world for a period of time. Have an electronic-free weekend, day, or set a curfew where you unplug for an hour each evening.
6. Hobbies for the Win
Prioritize some time each day or week to do a hobby or activity you love. What would you do if you had no demands on your time? Brainstorm some ideas…then do them!
7. Do it Yourself
Grab your iPad or set yourself up in front of your favorite TV show and treat yourself to a DIY manicure and/or pedicure. Nothing makes a woman feel like she has her life together more than having beautiful nails!
8. Relaxation at its Finest
A hot bubble bath is one of the most relaxing things you can do. Light some candles, bring your book, pour yourself a glass of wine or your favorite mocktail, and enjoy!
9. Switch it Up
Another important form of self-care is creating a space you love. Obviously, redecorating would not typically be considered “affordable,” but believe it or not, simply making a few small changes can give your space a completely different vibe.
Try “shopping your house.” Move around your home taking items from one room and moving them to another. Switch up the items on your bookcase, and grab a new plant from the supermarket to make your room feel fresh and new.
10. Give Yourself a Facial
A good facial can melt away weeks of stress! Grab your favorite lotions and skin care products to pamper your skin. If you have extra time, search YouTube to learn how to give yourself a lymphatic massage.
11. Window Shop
Going shopping with no time constraints and no list can be surprisingly relaxing. Especially if you’re a parent, shopping probably is not an activity you’ve ever considered to be enjoyable.
Grab yourself your favorite beverage and maybe your best friend, and head to your favorite store to leisurely walk the aisles. If your budget allows, treat yourself to something that makes you feel good!
12. Just Get Out
Get outside and become one with nature! Walk your dog, go for a hike, or lay out in the sun, with a hat and SPF, of course. Fresh air can do wonders for your mind and body.
13. Nourish Your Body
Swing by the supermarket and grab all the ingredients you need to make yourself your favorite healthy meal. Nourishing your body and fueling it with healthy, whole foods is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
14. Clear Your Head
Meditating is a great form of free self-care. Taking some quiet time to sit with your thoughts can help clear your mind and give you some inner peace to handle everything the day may throw at you.
If you find your mind wandering too much, you might try guided meditation, where someone walks you through the process with specific prompts, usually set to relaxing music.
15. Write it Down
Carve out a few minutes of your day to journal. You can set your intentions for the day or write about how your day went.
Not only will it do wonders for your stress levels, but over time it will make you acutely aware of your abundant blessings and help you gain a new perspective on your life.
16. Hide Away
Sometimes the day feels too overwhelming, and you just need to get away for a few minutes, but what if you can’t? When you’re feeling in desperate need of some recharging, simply hide away.
If you feel like you need to catch your breath, simply stop everything you’re doing at the moment and just walk away. Go to a quiet place and take as much time as you need to decompress – or as much time as life allows, anyway. Take a few minutes of quiet and some slow, deep breaths.
17. Declutter
Yeah, this is work. But, having clutter around can be a constant source of overwhelm. Taking the time to declutter and organize your space can make a world of difference in your stress levels!
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