
10 Things People Like Less Since They Have Gotten Older

10 Things People Like Less Since They Have Gotten Older

As you age, things start to become annoying. Is there anything that you used to enjoy but the older you get you notice yourself liking it less and less? You’re not alone. Someone recently asked, “What are you starting to like LESS the older you get?” And here are the top-voted answers. 1. Driving Someone…

12 Work Practices People Need To Adopt for Proper Work Etiquette

12 Work Practices People Need To Adopt for Proper Work Etiquette

Work environments are a melting pot of various personalities, habits, and preferences. Work etiquette is often a polarizing topic. Recently, someone online asked an interesting question,  “What workplace etiquette do people need to keep or start doing?” Here are the top-voted responses. 1. Power Hours “I had a job once that instituted Power Hours. For…

10 Things People Admitted They Will Never Buy Secondhand

10 Things People Admitted They Will Never Buy Secondhand

Are you a thrifty shopper or a modern consumer that draws the line on certain secondhand goods? You’ve got company. Someone recently asked, “What’s the one thing you would never buy secondhand?” The internet responded to deliver this list. 1. Pacifiers “Pacifiers,” one explained. “When I was pregnant, my mother-in-law gave me a plastic baggie…