How Monthly Meal Planning Will Save You Time and Money

How Monthly Meal Planning Will Save You Time and Money

I don’t know about you but I hate grocery shopping. It’s the bane of my existence…(ok, that was dramatic), and meal planning? Ugh, it’s the worst…so I bet you’re thinking that monthly meal planning must be plain torture?  Hear me out.  After food shopping every single week and buying virtually the same foods (yawn) for…

7 Money-Saving Tips for Back-to-School Shopping on a Budget

7 Money-Saving Tips for Back-to-School Shopping on a Budget

Can you believe it is almost that time already? I think I’m in denial. I do not want to go back-to-school shopping.  Doesn’t that officially mark the end of summer? When the stores began stocking back-to-school supplies, I swore on all that was holy that I would NOT purchase one marker, backpack, or pencil case…

How We Used Dave Ramsey’s Seven Baby Steps to Get Out of Debt

How We Used Dave Ramsey’s Seven Baby Steps to Get Out of Debt

You probably know you need to get out of debt. Maybe you’ve even tried once before (read: a dozen times before) and failed and are hesitant to try again. We felt the same way until we found Dave Ramsey’s baby steps…these seven steps changed our lives in a big way, and they can do the same…