Man appearing to smell a ton of cash he's holding

When trying to save money, it’s always best to keep track of what you’re spending. What store did you go to? What items did you purchase? How much did you spend? But have you stopped to think of who the last person you spent money on and for what reason? People in an online frugal community share who and what they spent money on last; here are some of the top responses…

1. Quality Food for Son

Adult son cooking with his mother
Image Credit: Evgeny Atamanenko via Shutterstock.

“When my son visits, I purchase the best quality food there is. We cook at home. We sit at the table and talk all night,” someone shared.

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2. Dry Cleaner for Comforter

Woman picking up clothing at a dry cleaners
Image Credit: Kzenon via Shutterstock.

A user said, “I did what you guys said, popped into a cleaner’s. Asked if they had any comforters not picked up, they did. I got a king-heavy, dry-cleaned comforter $25.00. Thanks, my frugal friends.”

3. Specialty Food for Daughter

Woman looking at food in a specialty food store
Image Credit: Tyler Olson via Shutterstock.

“My daughter is picky with the food she likes (she’s 16, so I’ll always accommodate her ),” someone revealed.

4. Supplies for New Teacher

Pile of teaching supplies sitting on a desk
Image Credit: Tanuha2001 via Shutterstock.

“A local barista just became a teacher and needed some supplies for her classroom, so my husband and I ordered some for her off of her Amazon wishlist,” someone explained.

5. Grocery Money for Son

Person taking money out of their wallet to purchase food
Image Credit: Dragon Images via Shutterstock.

“I sent my son some money the other day. He just moved out on his own and had a lesson in life being more expensive than you realize, and long story short, he needed some grocery money,” someone shared.

6. Tattoo for Son

Someone giving someone a tattoo
Image Credit: Stop war in Ukraine via Shutterstock.

“I just spent $300 on my son’s tattoo. He’s a poor college student, and I’ve been battling cancer. He wanted to make a tribute to me, and I offered to pay for it months ago. I love that I’m in a position to do nice things for him,” someone expressed.

7. Cat Clock for Roommate

Black cat clock hanging on white wall
Image Credit: Naviya via Shutterstock.

A user mentioned, “My housemate. It’s her birthday, and she always wanted one of those cat clocks with a tail and eyes that move.”

8. Goat Cheese for Mother

Goat cheese and pomegranate seeds on a cutting board
Image Credit: Grazyna Kownacka via Shutterstock.

“On my way to visit my mom for the night. Bringing her 300g of delicious locally-owned and made Grey Owl goat cheese. What a good lad I am,” somebody confessed.

9. Gifts for Parents

Adult daughter giving her father a gift
Image Credit: Sebra via Shutterstock.

“Parents. They did and did so much for me that I like to spoil them where they wouldn’t do it for themselves,” someone explained.

10. Clothing for Herself

Pregnant woman looking at maternity clothing in a store
Image Credit: kryzhov via Shutterstock.

“Myself. I’m 20 months pregnant and realized this morning that while I’ve been gifted maternity clothes for work, all of my shorts and t-shirts I sleep in and wear around the house aren’t fitting anymore,” a user shared.

11. Grill for Husband

Man cooking food on a propane grill
Image Credit: Losonsky via Shutterstock.

“My husband. He’s been whining about the upkeep and repairs of his expensive pellet smoker grill & his birthday is coming up, so a two-burner propane grill is on order,” someone revealed.

12. Nightgown for Mother

Woman looking at the material on a pretty pink nightgown
Image Credit: Yulia YasPe via Shutterstock.

“I bought my mom a nightgown since her birthday is this month. She wanted a summer dress like I got but in a longer length, and I just couldn’t find any for a reasonable price, so I settled on a light summer nightgown,” somebody explained.

13. New Shoes for Sister

Brooks women's sneaker
Image Credit: Pascal Huot via Shutterstock.

Someone shared, “My older sister has done a lot for me over the years, and I suppose vice versa. I bought her new shoes today. $100 at Brooks.”

14. Chocolate for Sister-in-Law

Woman hugging her mother and giving her a gift box
Image Credit: Kzenon via Shutterstock.

“Chocolate for my sister-in-law’s birthday when she’d given birth less than a week prior. I didn’t want her to be forgotten in lieu of the new baby,” one user shared.

15. Trip for Parents

Mature couple traveling together
Image Credit: Halfpoint via Shutterstock.

“My parents usually spent their money to come to see me on the other side of the world. This is the first time I paid 🙂 Felt so good,” a person divulged.

16. Dessert for Friend

Dish of bread pudding
Image Credit: Katarzyna Hurova via Shutterstock.

“A friend from my summer internship— she stopped by to drop off a goodbye gift, and I gave her a dessert,” a person said.

17. Movie Night for Father

Man getting popcorn at the movies with his son and grandson
Image Credit: Bbernard via Shutterstock.

A user explained, “My dad. Went to see Oppenheimer last week, so he paid for the popcorn, and I paid for the tickets.”

14 of the Best Frugal Hacks To Save You Money (That Most People Ignore)

Beautiful redhead woman holding a stack of money
Image Credit: Masson via Shutterstock.

Most of us want to save money when we can. Why spend money on unnecessary things if you can find an alternate way to achieve the same goal while saving some cash along the way? It’s good to find creative ways to cut back on your expenses and save, but often, there are simple hacks to save right in front of us, but most people tend to ignore them. Here are 14 of the best (and easiest) ways to live frugally that don’t require a ton of effort. 14 of the Best Frugal Hacks To Save You Money (That Most People Ignore)

Avoid These 5 Money Mistakes to Achieve Financial Stability

Young blonde holding a piggy bank looking upset
Image Credit: Kues via Shutterstock.

Financial stability provides peace of mind, freedom from debt, and the ability to enjoy life without constant worry about money. However, achieving financial stability requires careful planning and discipline. And along the way, it’s important to avoid common money mistakes that can set you back as you strive to achieve financial stability. Avoid These 5 Money Mistakes to Achieve Financial Stability

15 Reasons People Feel Like They Never Have Enough Money

Man looking upset because his wallet is empty
Image Credit: Justinboat.29 via Shutterstock.

Actively saving and living frugally may lead you to think you’re getting ahead, but when you look at the big picture of where your money is going, the bills, food, and never-ending expenses make it seem like it’ll never be enough. Someone was asking for support online and asked fellow users if anyone else felt like they never had any money? Overwhelmingly, people agreed, so if you’re feeling broke, these people share similar struggles. 15 Reasons People Feel Like They Never Have Enough Money

7 Crucial Sinking Funds Every Budget Should Include

Young woman looking excited with cash falling from the sky
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

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17 Things People Would Love To Own, But Can’t Afford

Young girl in a hat showing her empty wallet
Image Credit: nazarovsergey via Shutterstock.

It sucks when there is an item you wish you could own but remains out of reach—daydreaming until the day you have the money to own it. Recently, people participated in an online poll that asked, “What is an item you would love to own but can’t afford to?” Here are some of the top responses. 17 Things People Would Love To Own, But Can’t Afford

Inspired by this thread  – photos for illustrative purposes only.