Bill from True Blood

Very rarely is there a show where all the characters are completely captivating. There always seems to be at least one character that’s just so darn annoying. People voted online for which characters from popular TV shows were some of the most annoying of all time. Here are some of the top answers.

1. John Paul – Bad Sisters

John Paul from Bad Sisters
Image Credit: Apple TV+.

“The husband in Bad Sisters. I’ve never hated someone that much,” someone said.

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Someone else agreed and said, “Evil, infuriating little man. I can’t watch the actor (Claes Bang) in anything else now.”

2. Vanessa – Gossip Girl

Vanessa from Gossip Girl
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Someone said, “Vanessa. Why are you even there? You always mess up things in the worst way.”

Another person agreed and said, “Ugh, I wanted to like her so much. She was so good when she first joined as an anchor to Dan’s sudden privileged world, but then the writers just assassinated her character and made her so out of pocket for no reason lmao.”

3. Dawson – Dawson’s Creek

Dawson from Dawson's Creek
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Television.

”Such a wet sock,” a user said.

“When he tells Joey in this scene “all roads lead back to me” get over yourself, Dawson!!” another user added.

4. Rachel – Glee

Rachel Berry from Glee
Image Credit: Fox Broadcasting Co.

A user shared, “Rachel Berry definitely somewhere on the top ones for me.”

Another user disagreed and said, “Nah, Will Schuester def is worse. The man completely lacks boundaries with a bunch of teenage students and is problematic.”

5. Debbie – Shameless

Debbie from Shameless
Image Credit: Showtime.

A user said, “Debbie was unwatchable; omg, truly one of the most disgusting characters on tv, just not redeemable at all. But also a previous season is when Fiona really goes off the rails for me into also so unlikeable and mean.”

6. Che – And Just Like That

Che Diaz from And Just Like That
Image Credit: HBO Max.

A person said, “I think I would’ve liked Che more if they just consolidated them into that law professor character who truly was just progressive window dressing. We don’t need to hear Che’s standup, and Carrie could probably have gotten a podcast without them.”

7. Daya – Orange is the New Black

Daya from Orange is the New Black
Image Credit: Netflix.

A person said, “She became a real a**hole. I wouldn’t call her annoying, but I was majorly disappointed in her.”

8. Jenny – The L Word

Jenny from The L Word
Image Credit: Showtime.

A user shared, “So as a super religious closeted person who was in my first same-sex relationship when I watched The L Word, I actually had a ton of empathy for Jenny initially. Late on, they make her insufferable and kind of like a caricatured villain, but I didn’t get the hate in the early seasons!”

9. Carrie – Sex and the City

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City
Image Credit: New Line Cinema/HBO.

“Carrie Bradshaw. She was always annoying, but I hated her so much when she tried to guilt trip Charlotte into giving her money so she could buy her flat. I hated it even more when Charlotte gave her engagement ring so Carrie could use it for a downpayment. I wanted that b*tch to be on the streets,” someone said.

10. Lynette – Desperate Housewives

Lynette from Desperate Housewives
Image Credit: ABC, Inc.

Someone said, “The number of times I shouted at the screen for her to just get divorced and have an abortion. You’re deliberately making your own life miserable, Lynette!”

11. Alison – Pretty Little Liars

Alison from Pretty Little Liars
Image Credit: ABC Family/Disney Enterprises, Inc.

A user said, “Her whole storyline didn’t make sense. And somehow, she was able to graduate on time. And she still loved Charles/Cece despite the torture she put them through.”

12. Bill – True Blood

Bill from True Blood
Image Credit: HBO.

“I was p*ssed they spent so much time on Sookie’s relationship with him just because they were together in real life,” someone said.

13. Meredith – Grey’s Anatomy

Image from the show Grey's Anatomy
Image Credit: Disney/ABC.

“Meredith Grey, I’m prepared to be dragged for this, but at some point, she just seemed so annoying and depressive. I get she had a sh*tty upbringing, but you can’t blame all your behavior on THAT. I get she didn’t want to form a relationship with Lexie, but she was so rude to her at some points,” a person said.

14. Lorelei – Gilmour Girls

Image from the show Gilmore Girls
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Television.

“I love this show so much, and Lorelei INFURIATES me every time, like how could a woman be so stupid,” someone shared.

15. Xander – Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

A user said, “I found him irritating during the initial run, but upon subsequent rewatches, he somehow is even worse. And that’s not even getting into how he and Willow ran through all Buffy’s money when she was dead.”

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Actress Michelle Pfeiffer
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