Image from the movie Sin City

Movie buffs love spending time in online forums discussing the best, the worst, and everything in between. Recently, one person asked users to share the most attractive female character they’ve ever seen in a movie. According to the internet, here are the top 25 hottest women in movies.

1. Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science (1985)

Actress Kelly LeBrock
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

One user stated, “I’m showing my age, but Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science.” “I posted about Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science,” another admitted. “Glad I’m not alone here—just perfection.

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2. Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled (2000)

Image from the movie Bedazzled
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Coming in hot at number one is Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled. While people got excited about the schoolgirl outfit being from her personal wardrobe, one stated, “I watched Bedazzled a handful of times. I couldn’t tell you if it was a good movie or a single thing that happened in it.”

3. Scarlett Johansson in The Island (2005)

Image from the movie The Island
Image Credit: DreamWorks Productions, LLC.

One user shared, “Scarlett Johansson drove me crazy in The Island.” Another admitted, “I never got the hype about her. Then randomly, two years ago, I watched this when I came across it streaming somewhere, and she is the epitome of sexiness in this movie.”

4. Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns (1992)

Image from the movie Batman Returns
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

“Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns,” meowed one. “So hot! She did the whip stuns herself too,”‘ another informed. “Including knocking off the three dummy heads in one take!”

5. Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions (1999)

Image from the movie Cruel Intentions
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

Someone suggested, “Sarah Michelle Gellar as Kathryn Merteuil in Cruel Intentions.” “Yes. She has a hotness appeal beyond her looks and clothing, although it helps,” a second added. 

6. Megan Fox in Transformers (2007)

Image from the movie Transformers
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

“Megan Fox in the first two Transformer movies. The scene that got me was when she popped the hood and leaned over the engine. Tight tummy, peach fuzz, and that stare,” announced one.

7. Catherine Zeta-Jones in The Mask of Zorro (1998)

Image from the movie The Mask of Zorro
Image Credit: Amblin/Columbia-Tri-Star.

“Catherine Zeta-Jones in The Mask of Zorro. The barn sword fight scene was hot,” one confessed. Another agreed, “Bingo. Her first moment on screen is absolutely captivating.”

8. Linda Cardellini as Velma in Scooby-Doo (2002)

Image from the movie Scooby Doo
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

“Linda Cardellini as Velma in Scooby-Doo,” someone suggested. “I didn’t know who she was until the show Dead To Me. She has such a quiet attractiveness. My boyfriend likes her from Freaks and Geeks: all different genres, but all the same conclusion,” another admitted.

9. Margot Robbie in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

Image from the movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

“Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Honestly, Margot Robbie is anything. She is truly a stunningly beautiful woman,” one stated. Another confessed, “Seeing Margot Robbie in Amsterdam, I found her distractingly beautiful. I had to remind myself to watch the film instead of just staring at her.”

10. Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Image from the movie Edge of Tomorrow
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

“Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow,” one replied. “That yoga scene is engraved in my brain forever.” A second user agreed, “Yep, that was my first thought. While some answers are for people who are more physically attractive, her character is fantastic and the movie not making a big deal about her being a woman makes her the winner for me.”

11. Mila Kunis in Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

Image from the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

“Mila Kunis in Forgetting Sarah Marshall has a casual just ‘one of the guys, girl next door personality, funny and beautiful,” one suggested. Another added, “Yea, she glowed in that movie, and had an absolute beauty aura.”

12. Jessica Alba in Sin City (2005)

Image from the movie Sin City
Image Credit: Miramax Films.

“Jessica Alba in Sin City,” said one. “I met Jessica Alba once at a party, and she is beautiful in person,” a second shared. “Perhaps even more so than in the movies. Sometimes you see someone so beautiful it ruins your entire day.”

13. Grace Kelly in Rear Window (1954)

Image from the movie Rear Window
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

“Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window. Her initial entrance is breathtaking,” one user confessed. “My first thought too. She is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood history. To Catch A Thief might be her truly best moment, though,” another admitted. 

14. Natasha Henstridge in Species (1995)

Image from the movie Species
Image Credit: MGM/UA Distribution Co.

“Natasha Henstridge in Species. My dad took me to see that when I was a kid. He didn’t realize how rated R it was. As we left the theater, he said, ‘Yeah…so…don’t tell your mom we saw that.’ I was so popular for a couple of days describing the movie to my friends in middle school,” one shared. 

15. Cameron Diaz in The Mask (1994)

Image from the movie The Mask
Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

“Cameron Diaz as Tina Carlyle in The Mask with Jim Carrey was an incredibly attractive performance,” commented one. “What’s weird is how she never looked like this in any other movie. There’s just her in The Mask and then everything else. So hot,” a second agreed. 

16. Monica Bellucci in The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Image from the movie The Matrix Revolutions
Image Credit: Jasin Boland/Warner Bros.

“Monica Bellucci stunned me as Persephone in The Matrix sequels,” one replied. “Ooh, the Merovingian’s wife? YES!” exclaimed another. Finally, a third suggested, “Monica Bellucci, in general, is hotter than everyone ever. It’s kind of not fair to even list her here.”

17. Kate Beckinsale in Underworld (2003)

Image from the movie Underworld
Image Credit: Screen Gems through Sony Pictures Releasing.

One person noted, “Kate Beckinsale in pretty much anything, but especially the Underworld movies.” Another argued, “She was devastatingly gorgeous in Click with Adam Sandler.”

18. Jennifer Connelly in A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Image from the movie A Beautiful Mind
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

A Beautiful Mind. When Alicia Nash (Jennifer Connelly) opened the window of the hot and stuffy classroom and leaned out. Angelic,” shared one. “I had a crush on her when I was eight, and she was sixteen in Labyrinth. Now, 35 years later or wherever, she’s still gorgeous in Top Gun: Maverick, and I’m still besotted watching her,” another admitted.

19. Eva Green in Casino Royale (2006)

Actress Eva Green
Image Credit: MGM, Inc/Columbia Pictures.

“Eva Green as Vesper in Casino Royale,” replied another. “The chemistry between her and Daniel Craig was something that cannot be repeated, and James Bond films after Casino Royal proved it.”

20. Mia Sara in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

Actress Mia Sara
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

“Sloane Peterson (Mia Sara) in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I was completely blown away by her in that movie. She was ridiculously good-looking,” confessed one.

21. Ana de Armas in Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Image from the movie Blade Runner 2049
Image Credit: Warner Bros./Alcon Entertainment, LLC.

Someone volunteered, “Ana de Armas from Bladerunner 2049 is gorgeous.” “Ana de Armas is otherworldy-attractive in everything. She’s just stunning,” a second agreed. 

22. Salma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

Image from the movie From Dusk Till Dawn
Image Credit: Miramax Films.

“Salma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn. Sexiest scene in history, and it features Quentin Tarantino sucking a toe. Go figure,” one laughed. ” Salma Hayek in anything, but this movie was the one,” added another. 

23. Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Image from the movie My Cousin Vinny
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

“Mona Lisa Vito in My Cousin Vinny,” another replied. “You’re going to shoot a deer? A sweet, innocent, harmless, leaf-eatin’, doe-eyed little deer?” Someone confessed, “Marisa Tomei is the only answer for me. She permanently altered my brain chemistry, as the ‘yute’ say.”

24. Rachel Weisz in The Mummy (1999)

Rachel Weisz in the movie The Mummy
Image Credit: Universal Studios.

“Rachel Weisz in The Mummy movies,” said one. “She’s beautiful, of course, but for some reason, she was just HITTIN in those movies!” Another added, “Rachel Weisz in every movie she’s starred. Also, an underrated actress, in my opinion.”

25. Elisha Cuthbert in The Girl Next Door (2004)

Image from the movie The Girl Next Door
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

And last, but certainly not least is, “Elisha Cuthbert in The Girl Next Door,” confessed one. “Mesmerizing. Perfectly cast for that role. So glad to have been a teen at that time.” A second admitted, “My two best friends and I rented that movie from Blockbuster on a whim because I heard it was good. That movie took us on a great ride and made us fall in love with Elisha Cuthbert.”

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Image from the movie 10 Things I Hate About You
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