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Young pregnant woman with her arms folded and looking angry

A woman recently shared a story in a popular online forum looking for opinions on whether she was the as*hole for posting pictures of her baby shower on social media.

The Backstory

Pregnant sisters smiling and happy
Image Credit: Take A Pix Media via Shutterstock.

The OP (original poster) explained that both she and her sister were pregnant at the same time, but unfortunately, due to a tragic accident, her sister ended up losing her baby.

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The OP was, of course, sympathetic to her sister’s loss and extended an invite to her shower, but completely understood when the sister didn’t attend.

The Shower

Woman taking a selfie at her baby shower
Image Credit: Natalie Maro via Shutterstock.

Afterward, the OP shared some photos from her special day on her social media account, and her sister was upset and sent her a text accusing her of “flaunting it” by posting. She also mentioned that her mother thought she should be more understanding of her sister’s situation, but her husband said there was nothing wrong with her posting a photo.

Feeling Apologetic

Young woman sitting with her head in her hand looking upset
Image Credit: Oatawa via Shutterstock.

The OP said she just wanted to be able to share her happy news, too, and was sorry the sister felt the way she did.

The Feedback

Pregnant woman sitting on a bed looking up with an angry expression on her face
Image Credit: HayDmitriy via Deposit Photos.

Many Redditors weighed in on the OP’s post to tell her she was, in fact, wrong because she failed to mention in her post that her sister also lost her husband in the accident and that the OP did not attend her brother-in-law’s funeral because she had a fitting for her wedding dress.

Only Part of the Story

Mom and adult daughter seeming to argue
Image Credit: Fizkes via Shutterstock.

Some of the opinions were very strong as they felt the OP intentionally left out the important details of her brother-in-law’s passing and skipping his funeral to garner more sympathy.

One Reddit user said, “YTA (you’re the as*hole). You didn’t include all the details, and on top of that, you’re not a very good person.”

Lacking Empathy?

Woman laughing while man stands behind her looking frustrated and angry
Image Credit: Paul Biryukov via Shutterstock.

Another weighed in, “YTA, you left out that her husband passed away, and you skipped his funeral for a freaking DRESS FITTING. This just proves you have no empathy for sister.”

Initial Defense

Pregnant woman holding her belly
Image Credit: Ground Picture via Shutterstock.

Other users initially defended the OP but later edited their opinion once the rest of the details were revealed, “NAH. You did nothing wrong – nor are your sister’s feelings wrong. She is grieving, and hearing other people’s good news about babies is going to hurt her – but the world doesn’t stop for her grief, and people are going to keep living their lives. Doing so isn’t “flaunting” anything.

On some social media platforms, there are ways of blocking just certain people from seeing particular posts. That might be a good way to continue to share your life with your friends & family while shielding your sister from anything baby-related.

Changing Assessments

Man and pregnant women sitting on a couch arguing
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

EDIT: In light of further comments from the OP showing she’s resistant to making the minor effort to restrict her post audience to spare her sister pain, I’m changing my assessment to YTA.”

Were They Justified?

Pregnant woman and man arguing
Image Credit: via Shutterstock.

Do you think the OP was in the wrong for sharing pictures of her special day on social media? Do you think her sister and mother were justified in being upset with her, or do you think they were being too harsh?

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Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.