Man in black looking completely shocked

Sometimes we are so busy in our life, or we just never get the opportunity to learn more about our world and how it works. Someone asked in an online forum, “What is something that blew your mind once you realized it?” Here are some of the most popular answers.

1. Amazing Colleagues

Group of young adults sitting around talking
Image Credit: Robert Kneschke via Shutterstock.

“Sometimes it is more important to like your colleagues than the actual job. I had bad jobs with the most amazing colleagues and had bad colleagues and the most amazing job. I’d pick the first every time.”

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2. Pablo + Eminem

Rapper Eminem
Image Credit: Kathy Hutchins via Shutterstock.

“Pablo Picasso and Eminem were both alive at the same time,” a person said.

Another added, “I’d bet a lot of people think Picasso is a Renaissance artist.”

3. Turkeys Roost in Trees

Wild turkey in the woods
Image Credit: Tom Reichner via Shutterstock.

A user said, “When I was a kid, I was fishing with my dad on a lake, and we saw turkeys crash landing from a few very tall trees along the lake. It was one of the funniest things you’ve ever heard. Just the sound of tumbling mass and gobologoblgobogl.“

4. The Wild Wild West

Silhouette of man riding horse in sunset
Image Credit: outdoorsman via Shutterstock.

“They were colonizing the Wild West at the same time as they were building skyscrapers in Manhattan. I always think of them taking place eighty to a hundred years apart. It’s wild,” a person said.

5. Boiling Water

Clear pot of water boiling on a burner
Image Credit: Steven Coling via Shutterstock.

One user said, “Nuclear power plants are just steam power plants that use nuclear reactions to heat the water. There’s no fancy magic extracting energy directly from nuclear material. They just boil water and spin a turbine.”

6. All the Ingredients

Electric towers city view at night
Image Credit: urbans via Shutterstock.

“The Romans had copper wire, magnets, and battery acid. They could have invented electricity hundreds of years before it was actually discovered. But they didn’t. The wire was used for jewelry, the magnets as lodestones, and the battery acid was used to clean the rust off of swords,” one user offered.

7. Poisonous Dart Frogs

Poisonous dart frog sitting on a leaf
Image Credit: Beth Ruggiero-York via Shutterstock.

Someone said, “Poison dart frogs aren’t poisonous in captivity. I own five of them, and anytime I tell someone I own some, I always get, “Do you ever lick them” or “Can you go kill someone with them” But yeah, they get their poison from what they eat, and all I give them is fruit flies.”

8. The Lungs

Doctor showing lung x-rays to patient
Image Credit: DC Studio via Shutterstock.

“The lungs are like sponges. I have two lung diseases, and when I first found out and started going to my pulmonologist, he told me this. He said sponges have a lot of cavities; that’s how lungs are. I found it very interesting,” a person said.

9. Fat in the Air

Slightly overweight woman looking in the mirror appearing to be upset
Image Credit: Motortion Films via Shutterstock.

Somebody said, “When you lose weight, most of it ends up as carbon dioxide, which is exhaled from your lungs.”

10. Being Poor is Expensive

Man showing his empty pockets
Image Credit: Red Confidential via Shutterstock.

A user said, “Being poor is very, very, very expensive. Once you have a decent amount of money and no debt, it’s very easy to live super cheaply. Once you have the money to buy things, it’s MUCH easier to say no to those things.”

11. Inner Monologue

Blonde woman looking at her reflection
Image Credit: XiXinXing via Shutterstock.

One person said, “When I found out a large percentage of people walk around all day without an inner monologue, it really messed with me. What do you think? What do you think? How do you make decisions?”

12. Shuffled Cards

Hands shuffling a deck of cards
Image Credit: Kira McDermid via Shutterstock.

Someone said, “That every time you shuffle a deck of cards, it’s extremely likely that no deck of cards in history has ever been in the same order you just shuffled your deck to.”

13. Muscle Movement

Older couple taking a walk
Image Credit: Fit Ztudio via Shutterstock.

A user said, “It still blows my mind that I can walk without thinking about moving specific muscles. Like, I can just go around thinking dumb thoughts while my body just contracts the necessary muscles to move all these appendages just because I pointed in a direction and thought to go.”

14. Blind

Blind man walking with a cane
Image Credit: Tracy Spohn via Shutterstock.

“That people that are blind from birth don’t see “black” or “nothing,” they see with their eyes what you see with your elbow,” one person replied.

15. Family Matters

Image of actor Jaleel White
Image Credit: Markus Wissmann via Shutterstock.

“Urkel. The dude was a downright menace to the Winslows. I know he’s just a nerd that was loveable, but he was definitely stalking Laura and probably trespassed/destroyed more property than any other sitcom character ever,” someone pointed out.

16. Cool to the Touch

Hand opening door with doorknob
Image Credit: BT PORNCHAI via Shutterstock.

“That when you touch something metal, it feels cold, not because it is cold, but because it conducts heat better than your hand. The cold sensation is heat being drawn away from your body by the metal,” a user said.

17. Change is Constant

Monarch butterfly on a leaf
Image Credit: MChasephoto via Shutterstock.

A user said, “Matter and energy can be changed, but it is never destroyed. It is just changed. The second law of thermodynamics states that, within any system, nothing ever remains the same. Change is constant.”

13 Discontinued Items That People Want To Bring Back Immediately

Woman pushing a shopping cart and giving a thumbs down
Image Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu via Shutterstock.

We all have items we absolutely love and buy all the time. Then the inevitable happens, and the item is discontinued. You find a replacement, but it’s just not the same. Or you reminisce back in time to a cool gadget you wish still was around to purchase. According to an online poll, these are the top-voted items that people would love to see hit the market again. 13 Discontinued Items That People Want To Bring Back Immediately

15 Stereotypical Coworkers Who Probably Work in Your Office

Man annoying female coworker
Image Credit: Fizkes via Shutterstock.

We have all heard of some of the stereotypical personalities in movies and TV shows, the boss’ pet or the goodie-two-shoes, but there are so many more personalities out there. We found a discussion in a popular online forum discussing some examples of other workplace personalities. Here are some of the top responses. 15 Stereotypical Coworkers Who Probably Work in Your Office

15 Things People Are Constantly Warned About But Choose To Ignore

Elderly lady with pink background shaking her finger at someone
Image Credit: Cast of Thousands via Shutterstock.

Growing up, most of us are told by parents, caregivers, and teachers to be safe. They warn us that if we don’t take precautions, we will suffer the consequences and get hurt. An internet poll asked users to share something they warn people about, but they don’t heed their warnings. Here are some of the most popular responses. 15 Things People Are Constantly Warned About But Choose To Ignore

17 Conspiracy Theories That Would Rock the World if They Were Actually True

Man sitting in a aluminum foil hat pointing at a blackboard that says "fake news"
Image Credit: Lysenko Andrii via Shutterstock.

We’ve all heard a conspiracy theory or two in our lifetime. Most of the time, we wave them off and give them no attention, but sometimes they do prove to be true. Recently, people weighed in online to share the most ridiculous conspiracy theories they believe would rock the world if proven to be true. Here are some of the most popular responses. 17 Conspiracy Theories That Would Rock the World if They Were Actually True

15 Things Attractive People Can Get Away With That Others Can’t

Beautiful blonde woman leaning her head on her hand
Image Credit: HTeam via Shutterstock.

Have you looked out into a crowd and thought, “Wow, That person is so beautiful!” Maybe you’ve noticed that the same type of person gets their coffee paid for them in the morning by a stranger, or the door held open only for it to slam shut in your face? Here are 15 things people think attractive people are able to get away with because of their looks. 15 Things Attractive People Can Get Away With That Others Can’t

Inspired by this thread – photos for illustrative purposes only.