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Image of actress Emmy Rossum

Who is an actor or actress that you wish was in more projects? For example, I’d love to see Brendan Fraser in more projects. I loved him in Encino Man, The Mummy, and Ben on Scrubs. I realize he’s not void of roles, but I can’t get enough. After polling the internet, people want to see more projects for these actors and actresses. 

1. Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender” replied one. “I know he got into racing, but he has vanished from our screens. Reportedly in talks for the Dr. Doom role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)?” “Some fans think he should reprise his role as Magneto, but I wouldn’t mind him playing Doom in the MCU,” another confessed.

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2. Ryan Reynolds

“Ryan Reynolds. He is always playing himself, but at least he’s one of those actors who can get away with it. If anything, I think he’s more of a movie star rather than an actual actor,” one suggested. After people noted he is in many movies already, another said, “Can’t argue with this, keep making Deadpool movies, Ryan. Never stop.”

3. Steve Carell

“When Steve Carell is doing that leaden mugging he calls comedy; it’s painful to watch. But put him in a dramatic role, and wow. Why doesn’t this guy have a shelf full of Oscars by now? FoxcatcherThe Big Short, and The Battle of the Sexes are all brilliant performances.”

“I wish he’d leave the idiot roles behind and concentrate on heavier parts,” another confessed. Another argued, “He’s quite funny (at least I think so, but when he does comedy, he’s always using his Michael Scott personality), but I agree he’s a much better dramatic actor.”

4. Tim Roth

“Tim Roth. He’s had a decent career, but I haven’t seen him in many other things lately. I’m interested to see how his character turns out in She-Hulk, though, especially since it’s been a long time since he played the same character,” someone shared. 

5. Harrison Ford

“Harrison Ford, I mean, he was in a lot of movies back then, but I wish he would still be in movies now,” another stated. Someone shared, “He’s filming another Indiana Jones as we speak. He looks fantastic for his age. He still has the energy to play Indiana Jones, which is impressive.” 

6. James Badge Dale

“James Badge Dale,” replied one. “I’ve become a big fan of his, too! Just saw him in The Empty Man. He was great!” Another exclaimed. “He’s excellent. He deserves to star in a new Western.”

7. Emmy Rossum

“Emmy Rossum! I’m currently watching Shameless, and I’m amazed at how talented she is and confused why I haven’t seen her in more movies or shows,” one person admitted. Another acknowledged her roles in The Day After Tomorrow and as Christine in The Phantom of the Opera

8. Jake Gyllenhaal

“Jake Gyllenhaal. I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of his, but everything I see him in, he is fantastic, and I honestly can’t remember the last thing he was in that I didn’t like,” replied one.

Another argued, “He’s had a very successful career. But I get wanting to see him in more. His role in Source Code was a delightful surprise, but also Brokeback Mountain was super good – and compare those to Nightcrawler. He’s a super diverse actor.”

9. Dakota Johnson

One person exclaimed, “Dakota Johnson! She’s outstanding. Funny, too!” Another shared, “21 Jump Street was my introduction to her. I was a little disappointed she didn’t return in the sequel. I never saw Fifty Shades of Grey, but I love her in How to Be Single too.”

10. John Franklin

“John Franklin, who played Isaac Chroner on Children of the Corn (1984),” a final person commented. Apart from a Children of the Corn-themed episode of Hell’s Kitty, he guest-starred with Courtney Gaines several years ago. Unfortunately, I am trying to remember what else he’s done as of late. It would be nice to see him make a comeback.”

What do you think? Did Reddit get this right, or is someone significant missing from this list? Also, check out these actors and actresses who were perfectly cast for the part.

This article was inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Cents + Purpose.

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